Page 47 of Illyria

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He groaned, laying his head on the table. “Fuck if I know. She’s gone radio silence. I am now regulated to seeing my son every other day.”

“Say the word, and I’ll have your son here in an hour. Possession is nine-tenths of the law. Keep the kid and force her hand.”

“Jesus’ fuck, Max,” Montana growled. “I know I’m a bastard, but I’m not that vengeful. Fuck. Is that what you have planned for Illyria?”

I laughed. “We don’t have a child together. My plans for my woman are my own and none of your concern.”

With all seriousness, I asked, “What are you going to do about Tessa? Petrovitch knows how to use her to get to you. You may have to bring her in. Forcefully.”

Montana groaned. “I know. She’s just so fucking pissed. She wants nothing to do with me. She hates that I accused her of going behind my back. She hates that I put her life in danger. She hates that the life I live could blow back and hurt York. More importantly, she fucking hates my guts right now and I don’t blame her. I never wanted my life to touch her. I just wanted her.”

“My friend,” I sighed. “This life we lead isn’t for the weak. Your Tessa has withstood much since her time with you. She’s angry right now. Anger is love. It’s when she no longer cares is when you need to worry. Give her the space she needs. Your Tessa is a smart woman. She will see the truth.”

“Is that what you are hoping for with Illyria?”

“Moya Lyubovis a strong woman. Raised in this life, she isn’t one to wilt away. Yes, she is angry at me right now, and rightfully so. But I will never apologize for what I did. She knows that too and she can’t move past that fact. This isn’t the first time I disappointed her and I fear it won’t be the last.”

In the five years I’ve knownMoya Lyubov, there were many times I upset her. Many times, I had to break her heart. None were like what I recently did, but one did stand out.

Getting out of my car, I headed straight for the building in front of me. It wasn’t the first time I walked into Valentine Coro, nor would it be the last if I had anything to do with it.

I was only here for one thing.

To get her to safety.

In the next twenty-four hours, everything would change, all because I aligned myself with two motorcycle clubs. What came next would either solidify my standing within the Bratva or put a bullseye on my back. Either way, I couldn’t be anywhere near the fallout.

I didn’t need to explain to Vladmir the reason for my decision. The impending fallout was going to be heard around the world in the coming days, and it was imperative that I took measures to keep her away from it.

“Mr. Fedorov! You can’t go in there!”

Ignoring my woman’s secretary, I marched into her office, ignoring the looks of contempt from some of her board members. Sitting at the head of the table, she looked up at me and scowled. “Kind of busy here, Maxim.”

“Meetings over. Leave. Now!” I ordered firmly as the board members quickly got up and left. The second the room cleared, my woman got to her feet and sneered. “How dare you!”

“We need to leave. Now.”


“That’s not important.”

Illyria laughed. “That’s where you are wrong. I have a wedding to attend tomorrow in California, so unless you are planning on being my plus one, I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“Moya Lyubov, the only wedding you will be attending tomorrow is your own.”

The second those words left my lips I knew there was no taking them back. I meant them. She was mine. Always would be. I knew that the second she fell into my lap. While I knew I wasn’t thinking rationally, it was too late now. I needed to get her on a plane and away from the United States before the aftermath of the Golden Wedding took place. There was no fucking way in hell I was going to allow her to step one foot in California.

Illyria stood, unmoving, as she tried to interpret if I was joking or not. When I failed to smile, she narrowed her eyes and said. “That wasn’t a proposal, asshole.”

“It’s the only one you’re getting. Now, are you coming willingly, or shall I throw you over my shoulder and carry you out?”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

Not only did I dare, I spanked her ass in the lobby as several of her employees looked on.

Yeah. It wasn’t my finest moment.

By the time my plane landed in St. Petersburg, Russia, she had calmed down a bit, but the snarky attitude of hers remained. In addition to her pre-existing anger, my choice to confiscate her cellphone magnified her fury.
