Page 48 of Illyria

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I wasn’t taking any chances of her family or the Golden Skulls reaching out to her. As soon as I knew the wedding went off as planned, I would explain everything.

In the meantime, I was going to show her the home of my birth.

“Boss,” Vladmir whispered as I watched Illyria as she stared out the window of the iconic Hotel Astoria, located across from St. Issac’s Cathedral. The hotel itself is a landmark in St. Petersburg, one of the city’s crowing glories. Erected in 1912, in the Admiralteysky District, the hotel was just a short walk from Nevsky Prospekt Palace Square, one of the many places I wanted her to see during our brief stay.

“I’ve made all the arrangements. Are you sure marrying her is the right thing to do? If the Pakhan learns of this, you will be putting her life in danger.”

“She was in danger the moment she was born, Vladmir. Any word on the other wedding?”

My best friend shook his head. “No boss. Nothing yet.”

Getting to my feet, I walked over to my woman, wrapping my arms around her as she relaxed into my embrace.

“It’s beautiful here.”

“Yes, it is.”

“Why did you bring me here, Maxim?”

“Because I want to marry you, Moya Lyubov.”

“So, you’re still sticking with that are you?”

“It’s the truth.”

“No, it’s not,” she said, removing herself from my embrace. “You are many things, Maxim Fedorov, but I never pegged you for a liar. So out with it. Why the sudden need to see your homeland?”

Stubborn woman was too damn smart for her own good. I knew if I was going to get her in front of a priest, I was going to have to tell her some semblance of the truth. She wouldn’t budge otherwise and while I was all for forcing her to say the words ‘I do’, some part of me wanted her to mean what she said. Sighing, I looked out over the square and admitted. “The reason you are here in Russia with me and not at the wedding in California is because after the wedding, the Society is going to attack. Now, before you say another word, yes, your brothers know about the attack and so does Reaper. They have taken measures to ensure everyone’s safety.”

“How do you know about the Golden Skulls and the Society? You’ve never aligned yourself with any underground organization before. Why now? What aren’t you telling me?”

“There is a lot you don’t know about me, Moya Lyubov. You are safer that way. Please don’t make me lie to you.”

“This whole trip was a rouse. To keep me occupied so I don’t worry about my family?”

“I want to marry you. I’ve loved you from the first moment you fell into my lap at the Foundation Ball all those years ago. You are mine, Moya Lyubov. You’ve always been mine. Now, I want to claim you permanently.”

She sighed, shaking her head. “Do you know how long I’ve waited for you to say those words? Now that they are out there, all I feel is confusion and doubt. This is supposed to be the happiest day of my life, Maxim, and you are ruining it with your lies.”

“I’m sorry, Moya Lyubov, if I gave you any other impression. My devotion is real and heartfelt. Can we please shelve this argument until after we are married? We have somewhere we need to be soon.” I said looking at my watch. If we didn’t hurry, we would miss our window of opportunity. This was not how I wanted to start our marriage, but I wasn’t leaving Russia without our signatures on a marriage document.

“Excuse me? We are getting married now?”

“Within the hour.”

“Did a rock fall out of the sky and hit you in the head? I can’t marry you in the next hour! I have nothing to wear!”

Gathering her in my arms, I kissed her forehead. “You look beautiful, Moya Lyubov. I’d be proud to stand beside you as you are right now and claim you for my own. Marry me? Today? Now?”

Kissing my way down her face, towards her neck, I knew the second she gave in when I felt her body succumb to mine as I lavished my carnal intentions on her. That was one thing I could rely on with Illyria Valentinetti. Her Italian blood ran hot and once ignited she was putty in my hands.

In that moment, I wished it would always be like this between us, but that would never happen. Because hours later, she would learn that her that her beloved brother, Luciano and cousin Dwayne died in the aftermath of the Golden Wedding.

Chapter Fifteen


Slamming my bag down on my desk, I sat balling my fist as I fumed. The one motherfucking time I needed him to tell him something important, he didn’t fucking show. I didn’t know how long I waited for him, but when the announcer started making his closing statements, I fucking left.

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