Page 13 of Spider

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“You two okay?” Savage asked.

“We are,” Spider said, “at least, for now we are. Listen, Hangman has made me an offer and I’m taking it. He’s agreed to let Amelia go if I agree to turn myself in, and well, it’s an offer that I can’t refuse.”

“Why can’t you refuse his offer?” Savage growled, “Just tell him no.”

“It’s not that easy,” Spider admitted, “Amelia’s pregnant and she can’t keep living on the run. We’ve been in five different safe houses in five states over the last six months. She needs to be able to settle down and get ready for the baby and I can give her that.”

“All you have to do is forfeit your life and let your kid grow up without a father, right?” Savage asked.

“Well, when you put it that way, it sounds like a bad decision, but I know that I’m doing right by Amelia and my kid. She needs to be able to live life without looking over her shoulder and worrying about the Ghosts coming for her and the baby. She deserves a fresh start. Hell, I’m partially responsible for the Ghosts coming for her. If she wasn’t with me, they might have left her alone from the start.”

“That’s bullshit and you know it,” Savage barked. “You saved her life after she escaped that warehouse. If the Ghosts had found her, they would have made an example out of her. You got her to safety and kept her safe for half a year now. I think you’re feeling guilty and honestly, you have no reason to feel that way. Don’t do this, Spider,” Savage begged. “There has to be another way to stop the Ghosts from coming after you and Amelia.”

“I’ve thought about it for two weeks now since Hangman made me the offer, and I can’t come up with another way to stop this nightmare. I can’t go back undercover and the new guys that the CIA has sent it have made no leeway with bringing them down. They can’t find Butch, and he’s a key player in the Ghosts. If they can’t bring down both him and Hangman, the Ghosts will never topple.”

“You’re making a mistake,” Savage shouted.

“I know that I am, but I have no other choice. I need you to promise me that you’ll make sure that Amelia and my kid are good, you know, once I’m gone. I don’t think that Hangman will let me live past our meeting and I don’t want to leave Amelia all alone. She doesn’t have any family.”

“Even more reason why you shouldn’t do this, Spider,” Savage growled.

“Noted,” he sighed, “just promise me that you’ll take care of them for me, man. I’d say that I’ll owe you one, but I don’t think that I’ll be around to pay you back.” He chuckled to himself, although nothing about this conversation was funny in the least.

“You know that I’ll take care of her and your kid, man,” Savage agreed. “I just wish you’d listen to reason. At least take some backup.”

“Can’t,” Spider insisted, “if I don’t show up alone, he’ll go after Amelia. I won’t let that happen.”

“I understand,” Savage said, “I don’t like it, but if I was in your shoes, I’d do the same thing. Just promise that you’ll at least try not to get yourself killed.”

“I can’t make any promises, but I will do everything within my power to stay alive. I just have to give my kid and Amelia a fighting chance. Thanks for the assist, Savage.”

“Not a problem,” Savage said. “Try to be safe, man.” Spider nodded, knowing that he’d not be able to speak past the lump in his throat, and ended the call. He knew that Hangman planned on making an example out of him and killing him was the only way to do that. He hated that he was going to leave Amelia without even a goodbye, but he had no other choice.

Spider pulled up to the back of Savage Hell, where he had agreed to meet Hangman. He had a lot of nerve demanding to meet Spider there, but he also knew that the guys wouldn’t make a move without Spider’s okay, and he wasn’t about to risk the deal he had made with Hangman.

He parked his truck and two guys from the Ghosts flanked him in the alley. “Hey guys,” he casually said as if he was meeting up with a few of the guys from his club. “I thought that I was meeting with Hangman.” Honestly, he didn’t expect Hangman to actually show his face around Savage Hell.

“You’ll see him soon enough,” the guy that they called Chainsaw said. He wasn’t sure how this was going to work, but being hit on the head by the big guy who joined them wasn’t what he had in mind. He wasn’t sure how many of the Ghosts had shown up to meet him, but he had a sick feeling that he was about to find out. He fell to the pavement and looked up at the sky as his world went dark. The only thing he heard was the laughter of the Ghosts as they dragged his body across the parking lot, and the last thought he had was how much he was going to miss Amelia and seeing their kid grow up.

* * *

Spider watched as Hangman paced around the chair that he was bound to. Every time he stopped behind him, Spider felt as though he was holding his breath until he made his way back around to face him again. Staying conscious was beginning to be a challenge for Spider, but he knew that he had to if he was going to get out of there alive.

“You thought that you had us all fooled, didn’t you? But you didn’t,” Hangman taunted. “Just tell me who you were working for.” Spider knew that he wanted him to admit that he was working undercover in the Ghosts. Hangman would want him to give up who he worked for, but that was never going to happen.

“I’m not sure what you’re talking about, boss,” Spider drawled. “I work for you.”

Hangman shook his head at him and crossed his arms over his chest. “If that’s the way that you want to playthings, I’m up for a game.” He pulled the walkie-talkie from his pocket and gave the order, “Bring her in,” and Spider felt his stomach drop. He knew that his woman was safe back at the house, where he left her to go meet with Hangman. It was the only way that he knew to keep her safe—turning himself into the Ghosts. But they still had a warehouse full of women that they could torture to get him to talk, and Hangman seemed to know it judging by the smug look on his face.

Two guys, that Spider had never seen before, entered the room each holding an arm to the woman between them. She looked scared out of her mind and rightly so. “She’s new. We brought her and a truckload of other women in yesterday. I guess that pisses you off given the fact that you were here to bring us down. Let’s see how long you can hold out while you watch us have a little bit of fun with her.” Hangman walked across the room and tugged the collar of the woman’s shirt until it ripped right down the center of her body, exposing her breasts. The two men holding her looked her over as though they had never seen a woman before,

and he wanted to tell them to stop looking at her that way. But there was no way that he’d be able to do that without giving up his true identity.

“Please,” the woman begged, and he could barely look at her. Spider wanted to give in and give her what she wanted, but he also knew that doing so would blow any undercover agents currently working for the Ghosts.

“Butch, grab my phone and bring it in here,” Hangman ordered over the walkie-talkie. “I want to take some pictures.” That was just the intel that Spider needed—Butch was back. He was the second in command of the Ghosts and if he was there, the CIA could move in and topple the whole organization. They could be done, but Spider had no way of letting his contact at the CIA know that.

Butch pushed his way through the door, practically knocking the guy to the left over, and smiled at Spider. “Good to see you again,” he drawled.
