Page 16 of Spider

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“Well, I was hoping to get a beer,” she teased.

“Not happening,” he growled.

“Okay, then, I was hoping to talk to the hot bartender on duty tonight,” she quickly amended.

“Let me guess, one of the guys told you that I had bartender duty this weekend and you’ve come to tell me off for sending them over to check on you,” he said.

“Not exactly,” she said. “I came here tonight to tell you that if you’d like to check on me, you can do so yourself. You know where I live, right?” she asked. “I mean, you are in the CIA still, right?”

“Yes, and I do know where you live,” he admitted.

“Then, why have you sent the guys over to check on me and not made the trip yourself?” she asked.

“You told me that you don’t want to be with me anymore, Amelia. I was giving you space,” he said.

“While I appreciate that, you should know that my hormones are crazy and will be until this kid pops out of me,” she said.

“Noted,” he said.

“And sometimes, I say things that I don’t really mean. Sometimes, I fly off the handle and forget that there are two sides to every story, and I didn’t let you tell me yours. I just assumed that I knew all the details and kicked you out of my life. For that, I am sorry,” she said.

“You’re sorry that you kicked me out of your life or that you didn’t hear my side of things?” he asked.

She smiled at him, “Both,” she admitted.

“Well, you had my side of the story right, so there isn’t much to tell. I fucked up and forgot that we’re a couple now. I mean, we were a couple before I screwed everything up. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you what I was doing, but I knew that you’d try to stop me.”

“Damn right, I would have stopped you. I love you, Spider. I want us to be a family and that wouldn’t have happened if you went and did something stupid and got yourself killed.”

“You love me?” he asked. “Even after everything that’s happened?”

“Yeah, I guess I just can’t help myself. Maybe it’s the hormones, but I love you—still,” she whispered the last part.

“Thank fuck, because I love you too, honey. God, I’ve been going out of my mind not talking to you or being able to see you these past few days,” he admitted.

“Same,” she breathed. He took her hands into his own and having him touch her again felt right. God, she had missed everything about him. “I was wondering if your offer to marry me was still good because I’d really love to marry you, Spider.” He let go of her hands and rounded the bar, pulling her from the barstool. “I’d marry you any time, any place,” he promised.

“Well, I’ll need to get some new clothes first,” she said. “I don’t want to wear sweatpants to my own wedding.”

“I don’t care what you wear, as long as you promise to be my wife, honey,” he whispered into her ear.

“I promise, Spider,” she whispered back. He sealed his lips over hers and for the first time in a week, she felt like she was safe again—and loved. So very loved. They might have had to walk through hell to get to this point, but they had done it together and now, she had found her haven in one sexy biker with a heart of gold. What more could a girl want? The answer was simple—nothing.

The End

I hope you loved Spider and Amelia’s story! Now, buckle up and get ready for another Royal Bastard! Blade’s Christmas Ride (A Christmas Novella Royal Bastards MC: Huntsville Chapter Book 13) is coming soon from K.L. Ramsey!


Blade walked into Savage Hell with his sister by his side. He knew that he was going to have to keep a fucking leash on Wrenlee, but that wouldn’t be anything new. His sister was never one to behave and bringing her to a bar full of horny bikers might not have been his finest decision, but he really had no choice. He needed to get some help with his little sister, and he knew that his brothers would give him a hand.

They walked hand in hand to the bar and he could feel the eyes of every guy in the room staring them down. Most of them were probably thinking that he’d picked up a woman, and he’d let them go on believing that too because there was no way that he’d let anyone approach her, even if she was smiling and flirting with most of the guys at the bar.

“Who’s the girl?” Savage asked, looking his sister over. As the club’s Prez, Savage made it his business to know every member’s business.

Blade leaned in to whisper, “She’s my sister,” he said.

“Why are you whispering?” Savage loudly whispered back.
