Page 24 of Vicious

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“Are you going in with me, too?” I asked as I pulled out of the parking lot, scanning the area, my mind picturing Nitro coming from nowhere.

But there was no one.

“I will be going in with you,” he said, his eyes glued to his phone as I headed into town. “And you probably should get comfortable with me, because you and I are going to be spending a lot of time together.”

“Seriously?” I turned to him, my nose scrunching up. “Are you going to sleep out in the hallway?”

He burst into laughter—laughter that I didnotunderstand. “What is so funny about that?”

“You’re moving into the clubhouse, sweetheart.”

“The hell I am.” Irritation burned in my chest. “I’m not moving anywhere.”

“Too bad. Viper already told Vinny that’s what you’re doing—and I think instead of bucking the rules, you should justdowhat we tell you to. It’ll make your life so much easier.”

I shook my head, pulling into a parking spot right out front of the small café. My stomach knotted up at the sight of the faded sign—and Alex’s BMW pulling in right beside me.

“Oh shit, isthathim?” Gunner burst into another round of laughter as Alex stepped out of his car. He was in a gray suit, his blonde hair slicked back and his face clean-shaven. I had always found him handsome, but right then...

I couldn’t see what I had seen before.

The only thing in my mind was the black headed, green eyed biker that fucked me like there was no tomorrow.

“That is him,” I grumbled, pushing the door open. “Let’s get this over with.” Sliding out of the Tahoe, I gave Alex a wave. “Hey.”

He turned to look at me, giving me a half-hearted smile. “You just roll out of bed?”

Ah, the charm.

“Pretty much,” Gunner answered from the other side of the Tahoe, lighting up a cigarette.

“Who the hell is that, Hannah?” Alex’s eyebrows shot up. “Are you trying to make me jealous or something?”

I shook my head. “It’s complicated, butno,Gunner is not here to make you jealous. He’s just kind of like a...”

“Bodyguard,” Gunner offered up with a shrug.

“Oh, great,” Alex grunted. “This is going to be fun.”

“Loads,” I mumbled under my breath, leading the way into the café, though Gunner reached the door before I did, holding it open for me...

And then letting it nearly shut in Alex’s face.

I nearly laughed, except for the fact that I could already see Alex fuming at the situation, which was unsurprising in the slightest. He had always been a flirt with other women, but extremely jealous when it came to who I talked to. It hadn’talwaysbeen like that between us, but the good had dissipated long ago.

Alex sat down across from me while Gunner took a seat at the booth in front of us, closer to the door. However, after a few minutes, he stood to his feet, slipping just out the front door.

“He’s giving us some space,” I said with a shrug, though I saw the phone to his ear.

“Yeah, so much space.”

“So, what was it that you wanted to talk about?” I asked, as the waitress sat down a couple of waters and menus for us before leaving to chat with another customer.

“Uh, well, I’d like to start out by asking what the hell you’ve gotten yourself into. I knew your boss was a wacko, but I hadnoidea that he was willing to send you into this kind of shit. You’re better than this.”

“It’s a lifestyle piece, and I’m pretty excited about it—”

“Right, so I met someone while on the business trip—and not just a casual sex thing like usual,” he began, cutting me off and reaching for his water. “I know that this isn’t a relationship, but I thought that I would go ahead and tell you. I think it’s time to just cut the cord between us. You enjoy the sex and comfort I give you, but I think it’s time for you to move on.”
