Page 28 of Vicious

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“Uh, dying.” I could barely keep a straight face as Gunner chuckled at my response, while Alex looked shocked—all the while, Viper was stalking toward us, his face dark with anger.

And suddenly, my joke didn’t feel like one at all.

“What thefuckis going on here?” he roared, his cologne hitting me in the face as he brushed right past me, his hands landing on Alex’s chest. “Since when do you think it’s okay to be messing with my girl?”

“Whoa!” Alex shoved back at him with a vigor I’d never seen from him before. “Since when is Hannahyourgirl? I fucked her less than a week ago, buddy.”

More like a month ago.

“Yeah, and I fucked her last night,” Viper sneered, before shoving Alex so hard he stumbled back, slamming into the brick wall of the café. “And you know what? I’ll do it again tonight.”

“Not if she goes home with me, buddy.” Alexspitin Viper’s face, and I caught my breath, already knowing that it was thewrongmove for my ex-boyfriend to make.

Viper answered with his fist against Alex’s jaw, and my mouth dropped open as I took some steps back, hardly able to fathom what was happening in front of me. Gunner stood silently beside me, just watching the whole thing play out with a blank look on his face.

“Aren’t you going to break that up?” I demanded, grabbing his arm as the two of them broke into a brawl—right there on the sidewalk.

“Why would I?” Gunner shrugged. “He doesn’t need any help.”

“Oh mygod,” I threw up my hands, more embarrassed than anything by the immature fight. “Alex, stop!” He was the closest to me as I gathered the courage to try and intervene—and also, his face waspouringblood. My hand reached for his dress shirt, barely catching it before he went for Viper again. “Stop!”

But Alex didn’t listen.

In fact, he threw an elbow back in my direction—whether it was on accident or purpose, I don’t know—and it hit me directly in my chest, knocking me backwards. I hit the concrete with a thud, a sharp pain shooting through my tailbone. My eyes drifted up from where I sat, Viper’s eyes meeting mine for a split second...

And I saw was nothing but pure rage.

“The fuck you doing hitting a woman like that?” he exploded at Alex, rearing back to throw another powerful punch.

“I didn’t hit anyone.” Alex glanced down at me—like he was surprised that I had just fallen. I glared up at him, my blood beginning to boil.

“Maybe we should just call it,” Gunner interjected, offering me a hand.

But I didn’t take it.

I was fucking pissed.

“You know what?” I stood to my feet, Viper’s hand frozen in place as he watched me. “I’mdonewith this. If you guys what to fight and act like a bunch of immature teenagers, then that’s on you. You’re all a bunch of assholes.” I spat the words at all three of them and went straight for my Tahoe, not even bothering to gauge their reactions.

“You’re seriously going to leave me with these guys?” Alex called after me, his grip coming down on my arm.

“Yup,” I snapped, ripping my arm away and the Tahoe driver’s side door open. “I’m leaving youallhere.”

“Hannah,” Viper called out a warning. “You better not—”

I slammed the door, cutting his voice off as I started the engine. I didn’t even have to look up to know that he was shooting daggers at me—they all probably were. I threw the engine in reverse and checked my rearview before pulling out...

And then tore down the street back to the hotel.

What have I gotten myself into?

My hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly that my knuckles went white, and while I knew that Viper would be pissed at me...

I just didn’t care.

Just because I slept with someone didn’t mean that I wastheirs.I mean, was Alex getting his ass kicked a little satisfying, since he had played me over and over?

