Page 27 of Vicious

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“He’s babysitting for me right now,” I grunted, taking another hit. “I have him watching over Hannah.”

“Uh, why? Can the woman not take care of herself?” He narrowed his eyes, his face hardening. “Or is there something you’re not telling me?”

“She had a couple of Silent Kings follow her out of the café. I think they were just fucking with her, but I wanted to be sure before I left her to her own devices. The woman doesn’t have the best head on her shoulders when it comes to dealing with all this MC stuff. She had no idea what she was getting into.”

“Yeah, no fucking kidding. She’s going to wind up getting herself killed,’ he chuckled, shaking his head. “She does have a nice ass, though. If you hadn’t have jumped in on that, I might’ve taken a swing at her myself.”

“Hmm.” I rolled my shoulders, trying to remember to respect the one man in the club who held a higher spot than me. I had to respect him.

“Don’t get jealous,” Tip burst into laughter, slapping me on the upper back. “I’m not going to go fucking around on your new girlfriend. I personally don’t go for leftovers anyway.” He was kidding, but I still wanted to punch him square in the jaw for it.

I picked up the phone, seeing that Gunner still hadn’t texted me again. I pulled up the thread of messages to him, quickly typing out another text.


Sitting there, I waited on it, eying Tip as his eyes scanned the clubhouse parking lot, full of bikers and women, chatting and doing god-knows-what in the dark corners. My phone buzzed with a reply, and I squinted at the screen.

Think he’s trying to sweet talk her.

My jaw tensed at the thought, and I texted him back.

She’s supposed to be at the clubhouse.

He immediately shot back a reply.

You said after the party tonight.

I slammed my hand down on the rail, catching Tippy’s attention as I ran my fingers through my hair, fighting the urge to pace back and forth.

“You okay, bro?”

Looking up, I met his eyes and then shook his head. “I’m gonna have to go somewhere and take care of something.”

Tippy grinned. “Go get your girl.”

Chapter 11


“So, you’re good with us just being friends?” Alex repeated for the hundredth time as we stood up to leave the café. I had never been so ready to go in my entire life.

“Yes, Alex.” I shook my head, eyeing Gunner as I headed for the doors of the café. I had never wanted to get out of there more than I did at that moment. I pushed the door open, the warm evening air tussling my hair.

“So, where are you staying?” Alex asked me, eying Gunner as he followed us out of the restaurant. The streets were desolate, which I was beginning to realize was commonplace for the town. “Is it close?”

“Does it matter where she’s staying?” Gunner chimed in, suddenly stepping right in beside me, his shoulder brushing mine.

“It was just a question.” Alex rolled his eyes, holding up his hands in surrender before turning back to me. “I don’t know who the hell you’ve gotten yourself involved with, but it’s low, Hannah—even for you.”

I ignored the jab, heading toward my Tahoe, when the sound of a motorcycle engine came from nowhere. It echoed through the streets, and all three of us spun to see the location.

And my heart jumped.


“Aw, shit,” Gunner grumbled before turning to Alex. “If I were you, I would get the hell out of her before this goes bad.”

“What?” His eyebrows shot up. “What exactly do I have to worry about?”
