Page 29 of Vicious

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But I wasn’t Viper’s girlfriend either. He had made it more than clear that we were just a fling—orsomething.

So confusing.

I whipped into the parking lot of the hotel and parked right outside the front lobby. No one had followed me there, but I still moved quickly, locking up the SUV as I trotted through the lobby doors.

“Everything okay?” the clerk raised her head, her bright blue eyes meeting mine.

“Yeah, just in a hurry,” I mumbled, smashing the up button at the elevators. As soon as the doors partially opened, I rushed in, hitting the third floor button as well as the door close. My phone was already vibrating in my purse, the buzz filling the elevator with an echo.

But I ignored it.

The doors pinged as they swept open on my floor, and I stormed out of the elevator, digging out my keycard—as my phone just kept buzzing in my pocket. I unlocked my room and stepped inside, the heavy hotel door shutting behind me.

And then I took a deep breath.

I just need to call Vinny.

My hand went for my purse, fishing out my phone before I sat my bag down on the dresser. There were multiple missed calls...

But I didn’t recognize the number.

I don’t have Viper’s number.

I cleared the notifications and went to my contacts, clicking my boss’s name. Putting the phone up to my ear, my heart thumped, anxiety already pulsing through me as I prepared myself to say what I needed to.

“Hey, I haven’t heard from you. How’s the story going?” Vinny’s voice was surprisingly bright.

I let out a long breath. “Vinny...”


“I don’t think I should do the article.”

More silence.

“There’s just too much going on—and I didn’t realize what I was getting myself into with it all. I think it’s better if I just give it in. Maybe I can come up with something else.”

“Or maybe you shouldn’t have gotten involved on a personal level,” he retorted, his voice taking that fatherly tone. “There’s a reason that I told you to refrain from getting involved with any of the members on a personal level—and Ifullytrusted that you would heed that advice. I’ve never had you mix pleasure with business.”

I cringed, the guilt and embarrassment of my choices causing my face to flush. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. It was a huge mistake, and I definitely am paying for it.”

“What happened, Hannah?”

“I don’t think it really matters.”

“You know you’re family to me, kid. I don’t want you down there getting into something you can’t get out of. Those guys are my friends. I felt pretty good about sending you into the mix—but if something is happening that makes you uncomfortable, let me know.”

I hesitated to say anything. I mean,wasthere anything making me truly uncomfortable? The fling with Viper was just as much me as it was him, and other than my ownemotionsabout how he was treating the fling, nothing really had happened to me.

Well, other than being followed by the Silent Kings.

“Hannah, if something is happening, I need to know.” Vinny’s voice was growing more urgent. “I can have Bear sort out whatever is happening—if it’s Viper, I’ll deal with him myself, though...”

I shook my head. “No, I don’t... I don’t know. I think it’s maybe just my feelings or something.” I could always be honest with Vinny, and as much as I hated to admit it, he was closer to me than my own parents were.

“Feelings? Please tell me you’re not actuallyfallingfor him.”

“I don’t know.”
