Page 30 of Vicious

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The groan coming from the other end of the phone made me cringe. “You have to be kidding me. Listen, Ronny is a good kid, but he’s been through a lot—and he’s not the kind of guy that you deserve to be with. His whole world is that club.”

“Right,” I ran my fingers through my soft blonde hair. “I know that, but there’s just... I don’t know.”

“I get it. It’s the mysterious bad boy thing. All the girls fall for it, and it works for some. I mean, Ginger and Bear have been together for what feels like forever, but it’s not an easy life.”

“You’re acting like it’s going turn into something serious.” My lips turned down in a frown. “He’s made itsoclear that it’s not serious.”



“Just be careful, Hannah. If you’re not with the article in a week or so, I’ll plan a trip to head south and pay a visit. That might keep things on track for you.”

I had no idea what he meant by that. “Okay, boss.”

“Before I go, I just have one piece of advice for you.”

“Hit me.”

“If Viper feels like he needs to keep an eye on you—for whatever reason, let him do it. He never does things without reason. It’s not just the jealous, possessive asshole in him. He’s more than likely got a good reason, and don’t buck the system. When the article is done, which will hopefully line up with my trip south, I’ll get you out of there. Until then, justpleasestop being so stubborn with it. It’ll only make things more miserable for you.”

“So you’re saying to let them boss me around, right?”

“Yeah, let them boss you around, Hannah. You might find it a lot easier for yourself if you just go with the flow—might even have fun or something.”

“I don’t know how to have fun,” I joked.

“Ah, tell me something I don’t already know.” He laughed on the other end of the phone. “Keep me updated.”

“Will do.”

“Get to work.”

“Got it.” I hung up the phone, tossing it onto the bed. He was right in one way—and that was the point that I needed to get to work on the actual article I was writing. Most of my lifestyle pieces were less than two thousand words...

And I was usually done with them after a few days.

I just need to quit getting distracted.

Chapter 12


All three of us on the sidewalk stared as Hannah disappeared down the street, her foot obviously to the floor as she sped away.

Great. Now she’s unprotected.

“I don’t know why you had to run her off like that,” the ex-boyfriend snapped at me as he headed toward his car. He was holding his suit jacket up to his face, soaking up the blood pouring from his nose. “Fucking biker trash.” He spit out some blood in my direction, and I lunged at him.

But Gunner caught my arm.

“Don’t do it,” he warned, his voice low. “Just let him leave.”

“Yeah, just let me leave,” the guy erupted in laughter. “Doesn’t look like either of us will be getting laid tonight. I have no desire to get involved with whatever this orgy is that Hannah’s involved in.”

I wanted to nail him in the face again, but Gunner’s grip was iron tight. “Get the hell out of my town,” I managed to mutter out, my jaw tensing up.

“No problem.” He slammed the door to his car and started the engine. There was a loud ticking noise coming from under the hood, but I didn’t say anything...
