Page 4 of Vicious

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“We’ll do the same toy drive shit that we do every year, that should help,” Tippy chuckled, leaning back in the old leather chair at the head of the table. “I don’t know about you, but I think we should’ve gone out to the Watering Hole and let loose a little. I’m over just dealing with all the damn business all the time.”

“Yeah,” I nodded, grunting as I slouched in my chair. “But I guess we can make up for it at the party tomorrow.”

“Ah, yeah, that’s true.” Tippy adjusted his black snap back before nodding. “It’s a good way to celebrate the deal we’ve got going on with the guys up north. It’s about time that something starts working out for us. We need a steady influx of deals to keep this shit afloat, and we’re falling behind the other chapters.”

Before I could say anything to that, there was an urgent knock on the door of our meeting room.

“We have a bit of a situation,” I recognized Gunner’s voice on the other side of the door. “Likepronto.”

“Not a good sign when they send the prospect,” I grunted, pushing back the chair and standing to my feet. “Either they’re all hiding from us, or they’re in jail.”

“Or a mixture of both.” Tippy followed suit, his heavy chair scraping the wood floors. “I swear, if they’re all in jail, I’m not fucking bailing them out this time.”

I chuckled, grabbing the lever on the heavy wooden door and opening it, instantly hating the look on Gunner’s face.

This wasn’t going to be good.

“What’s up?” I raised an eyebrow at him, his blonde hair disheveled, his eyes looking at me wearily. I liked the prospect—better than most members, actually, but Ihatedthe look on his face at the moment.

It screamedproblems.

“Well, the cops got called down at the Watering Hole.”

Yep. Problems.

“There ain’t supposed to be fights there,” Tippy grunted, folding his arms across his chest. “What the hell happened?”

“Some writer—reporter, I don’t know what the hell she is, showed up, and Bear got into it with Nitro. Got pretty wild, and Bear was arrested.”

“Oh,hell.We’ll get the bail money together—but why’d he go getting involved with some fight over a reporter? Would the woman not leave or something?”

“Nah, it’s not like that,” Gunner said hesitantly. “Vinny sent her.”

My jaw tensed at the mention of my old friend. Well, he was more like my dad’s old friend, and my uncle. He had long moved on by the time I was old enough to join, starting some stupid press. He was still friendly with the club, though I wasn’t sure why he’d be sending some writer to the Watering Hole—he knew better.

“She caused the fight,” Gunner continued. “So now we’re gonna have to deal with it.”

I nodded, already dreading having to talk with the...

Wait, did he just sayshe?

Why would Vinny send a woman? Did he really have that much trust in us?

“Let’s go have a chat with the woman who clearly doesn’t understand the rules,” Tippy groaned, running his hand over his face. “And then maybe give Vinny a call and tell him to come get his screwup.”

“She’s in there,” Gunner gestured to the main area of the clubhouse, where we had what most would consider a lounge of sorts. It was like our own bar with pool tables, a jukebox—the whole shebang.

And from the sounds of it, everyone should’ve stayed here.

Tippy and I exchanged a glance as we followed Gunner into the lounge. I noted the familiar faces sitting there, including Bear’s old lady, Ginger. She was sitting right next to...

Holy fuck.

I didnotrecognize the woman that was literally shocking my gut at the moment. Her ash blonde hair was striking against her tan skin, with bright blue eyes staring right back at my green ones. She didnotlook like the women that frequented the club, and all of the sudden, I knewexactlywhy the fight happened.

And Vinny was stupid as hell to send her.

I’ll have to call him.
