Page 5 of Vicious

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“So who the hell are you?” Tippy barked at her, his voice causing her to startle.

“Hannah Mullins,” she answered, her sweet voice coming out a lot more confident than I expected it to. “I work for Pacific Press as a writer. Vinny sent me to the Watering Hole in hopes that I could interview a couple of you for a piece.”

Jesus, Vinny, really?

Her eyes bounced from Tippy to me and then over to Ginger, who nodded to her. “I’m really sorry for the problems I’ve caused.”

I couldn’t help it—and I burst out laughing. Everyone looked over at me, Tippy going wide eyed.

“What the hell are you laughing for? This is the exact image problem we were just talking about. Bear got cuffed over goody-two-shoes writer girl over here.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” I shook my head, still stifling a chuckle. “I just think this whole thing is fucking nuts. I mean, look at her,” I motioned to Hannah—whatever her name was. “She couldn’t hurt a fly.” A couple of the other members laughed then, but Tippydidn’t. He remained cold and hardened.

“You’re gonna pay bail to get Bear out,” Tippy ignored me, his eyes blazing as he looked at Hannah. “And you’re never gonna come back here again.”

“Hey, now. This isVinny’s girl,” Ginger warned Tippy, her voice taking that motherly tone. “He’s done more for this club than most, and I don’t think we ought to do anything that might burn that bridge. He wouldn’t have sent her if he didn’t think there was a reason for it—maybe we should call him.”

“Since when do you call the shots, Ginger?” Tippy shot back at her, causing her to roll her eyes at him.

“I swear you boys are so hot-headed sometimes.”

“What were you here for?” I asked Hannah, ignoring Ginger and Tip’s glare off they had going on. “You look like you’d get steamrolled just walking through the door.” Girls who lookedthatgood either became old ladies or ran away from us as fast as they could.

“Vinny wants a lifestyle piece on the outlaw MC world—you know, like a culture column or something. He thought the readers would enjoy something a little different. It’s just focused on the aspects of the brotherhood and whatnot; we aren’t trying to dig into your gray areas.” She wassoconfident in the way she spoke you’d never know that she was surrounded by a bunch of bikers with rap sheets longer than her soft, silky blonde hair...

That would feel good fisted in my hands.

“Sounds like something Vinny would do,” I cleared my throat, rubbing my jaw. “And is there a reason that he didn’t give a courtesy call beforehand?”

“He told me that I was supposed to just go to the Watering Hole, talk to Rosie, and then she would help me from there. I just never made it to Rosie. Some guy started talking to me and didn’t like it when I tried to walk away.”

“Nitro,” Gunner threw out, folding his tatted, toned arms across his chest. He was a brute when it came to strength, which is why Tippy kept him around. The two didn’t get along otherwise.

“Nitro is an asshole, but mostly harmless,” Tippy remarked, narrowing his eyes at Hannah. “And so then what? Did you get scared and call out for help? Put my guys’ asses on the line because you didn’t follow your boss's instructions?”

“He grabbed me when I tried to leave the conversation,” she snapped at him, causing my eyebrows to raise.

This woman is either brave or psycho for going up against Tippy—maybe both.

“You shoulda never started a conversation with him,” Tippy growled. “We don’t associate with the Silent Kings, and I would think Vinny would’ve told you that.”

She sulked up at that remark, sinking back down into the leather couch next to Ginger. “I’ll pay the bail.”

“The hell you will,” I laughed. “That’s the least you can do.”

“Okay, so then what else do you want from me?” She narrowed her eyes while mine slipped down to her plump lips and then to her chest, a hint of cleavage showing in the loose black top she had on.


My mind was threatening to go wild with what I’d like to do to the woman, but I kept it straight. “I’ll give Vinny a call. He’ll probably want to front the bail for Bear, and my guess is you’ve already contacted him?” I waited for Hannah to reply.

“I called him on the way over,” she said, sighing out in a way that made me nearly laugh again. He had probably chewed her ass. “He just said to do whatever you guys wanted me to—within ethical bounds, of course,” she eyed me. “But he still wants me to finish the story.”

“Jesus,” Tippy grumbled. “I’ll call him and tell him that ain’t gonna work.”

“We could just let her come to the party tomorrow night,” I suggested, studying the fine features on her face. “That’d give her enough to write one hell of a piece.” Hannah’s eyes went wide but she didn’t say anything as Tippy turned to me.

“You think that’s a good idea? She looks like a problem?”
