Page 46 of Vicious

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Puckering my lips, I squinted down the hallway. It only seemed to go for another ten to fifteen feet, doors on both sides, before veering off to the right—and appearing to go black.

Probably a bad idea.

But that had never stopped me.

And it wasn’t going to this time, either.

I headed to the left, heading off toward the blackness that seemed to wait for me at the end. All of the doors on either side of me were shut, and I tuned my ears into the silence as I passed them, hoping to hear something—if there was something on the other side. However, the best I got was what I assumed to be snoring.

Just bedrooms?

That was all I could come up with as I took the last few steps to where the lights faded and the darkness took over. I leaned against the cool white wall, peering around the corner into the darkness. It looked the same...

Except for the staircase at the end, headingdown.


I felt like Belle in the Beast’s castle as I headed into the darkness, wondering where the stairs led to. There was a voice in my head telling me to turn around and just go back to Viper’s room.

But I was already too deep.

Well, too curious, really.

I blinked a few times, adjusting to justhowdark the hallway was. If there was a lightbulb out, they really should have changed it, because this wasinsanelydark. It was like wandering into the abyss.

Okay, not really.

The light from behind me lit the way enough for me to see the staircase leading downward, and as I approached it there was a sliver of light filtering from the bottom of the stairs...

From an open door.

I hesitated at the top of the stairs, wondering exactly what I was walking into—were there places that were off limits in the clubhouse? I mean, with all the drinking and partying, there had to be people who wandered around, right?

I’ll just say I got lost if someone catches me.

With that thought, I took the first step down, cringing at the ungodly loud creak ripping through the silence as I made my way down. I froze, holding my breath, picturing a bunch of angry bikers rushing me, forcing me back into Viper’s room.

Or maybe just killing me right here on the spot.

I nearly laughed at how ridiculous I sounded, though it didn’tseemso crazy to think of it, given Vinny’s past and the bullet hole in Viper’s shoulder. It seemed like this might be the most dangerous lifestyle article research I’ve ever taken part in.

But that didn’t stop me from continuing my descent toward the slightly cracked door at the end of the hallway. I made sure my steps were light, leaning slightly against the wall opposite the opening. I didn’t know what was on the other side, and I didn’t feel like it seeing me before I saw it.

Even if it was nothing.

As my foot hit the bottom floor, I breathed out a silent sigh of relief, and stopped to listen again.


I was still surrounded by silence as I moved toward the crack. As my fingers brushed the wood on the door, I was hit with a warm breeze from outside, and I was surprised to see that the door led to a garage. I tested it, opening it up a little more, bracing for a creak.

But it didn’t make a sound.

So I pulled it enough for me to slip through, my Vans landing on dusty concrete. I closed the door to just a crack before taking in all the old wooden shelving that surrounded me. I was no mechanic, but from what I could tell, it was full of motorcycle parts—maybe car parts?

I wasn’t sure.

However, what Iwassure of is that I was no longer alone. The sound of voices hit my ears, though I couldn’t make out what they were saying. It sounded like two people, and neither of them sounded like Viper.
