Page 47 of Vicious

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But that wasn’t going to stop me from eavesdropping.

Taking a breath, I slinked down an aisle of shelves stacked to the brim. I had no idea where the voices were coming from, but the fluorescent lights were enough to let me know that they weren’t in my direct line of sight. I continued creeping down the aisleway, peering through the gaps to see if I could locate the voices as their volume increased.

However, as I reached the end of the shelving, I caught a glimpse of what looked to be two men in black hoodies. My heart jumped in my chest.

Definitely not Viper.

“I don’t know what the hell went wrong,” one of them grunted, a puff of smoke filling the air around him. I nearly coughed at the heavy smell of marijuana but managed to swallow the urge, taking a step back, further concealing myself with the shelves. I couldn’t tell who they were anyway.

Their backs were to me.

And neither of them had their patches on.

Which is weird? Right?

But also, a great reason to keep listening.

I leaned against the wood, my shoulder hitting something oily. I cringed, but stayed put, listening quietly.

“If you can’t get it done, then just tell me. There’re other methods, and I need this finished before he finds out anything more about the drop.”

“Dude, he’s not gonna find out about the drop. Charlie doesn’t talk to anyone about business.”

“I don’t know.”

“You’re stressing over nothing,” the guy inhaled another hit—from what I could hear, anyway. “You need to relax. He’s never gonna suspect it’s from us. I drove all the way to Los Angeles to get the car off a friend. It’s already back where it belongs.”

“It’s not about him recognizing the fucking car!” the other one seethed, his tone growing sour.

I recognize that voice...

But I couldn’t place it. It was like so many other voices—I’d probably heard it a hundred times, but there was just enough distance between myself and them to make it difficult to make it out. It was taking all I had to just make out what they were saying.

“Yeah, but a lot of fucking people saw that car.”

“No one died.”

“Because of your miscalculation. Itoldyou to hit him outside of the public eye—not right out front of one of the busiest restaurants in town. Not to mention, the prospect was with him.”


My mind spun as it put the pieces together—the shooting, Gunner, Alex, and...


Bile shot up the back of my throat, and as the smell of marijuana burned my eyes, I realized that this was bad.Reallybad.

“You have to get it right this time,” one of them ordered, his voice suddenly sounding even more evil to me than it did before. “He’s a smart guy—and I know he’s going to start digging. That’s what he does. He’s got the know-how to sort this shit out. He might not see it coming, but he will eventually.”

My stomach churned. Were these men in the club? Were they hisbrothers? What the hell was going on? And if they weren’t in the club, why were they were at the clubhouse? My head was spinning with questions—and I needed to tell Viper.

“He’s wrapped up in the blonde reporter; perfect fucking timing for a distraction.” The guy chuckled, his voice filling the garage.

My skin crawled just as my phone vibrated in my pocket. My hand flew to it, and I suddenly wished that I had thought to record what I was hearing. Viper might’ve been able to recognize the voices that were planning to kill him.

“So what do you want me to do? I can’t gun someone down right here in the damn clubhouse. That’s going to have eyes all over it.” Their voices held my attention, my hand still resting on my phone, still vibrating in my pocket.

“Give me a few days to figure this out. Keep an eye on him. The last thing we need is for this to get messier than it already is. This should’ve been a one shot, man down. You fucked it up, letting the prospect witness it. Get him alone—and if you can’t get him alone, then there’ll just have to be casualties.”
