Page 48 of Vicious

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My heart was pounding at what I was hearing, and part of me wanted to rush the two men—or call the police.

But I doubted either of those was the right thing to do.

Well, in this situation, anyway.

“I’ll be back in a few days then.”

I finally worked my phone out of my pocket, realizing I had missed a call and text from a phone number I didn’t recognize. I opened up the text, squinting at the bright light.

This is Louise. Can we talk on Thursday?

I pursed my lips at the text, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to visit her alone. Regardless, I quickly typed back a reply for the meeting in a couple of days.

What time?

Three dots appeared on the screen, my eyes fixed on them.

Could you meet me at Diablos Park at 12?

My fingers were fast to agree to the meeting place and time, figuring that I’d just have to have Viper or Gunner tag along—or maybeboth.I wasn’t sure. I still needed to talk to Viper about what I had just heard, and speaking of...

Are they gone?

I dropped my phone to my side, still holding it as I leaned forward, trying to peer through the stack of parts. I couldn’t see through and took a couple of steps forward—where I had initially been standing. Only then was I able to see where the two men had been.

No one was standing there anymore...

And then I heard heavy, quick footsteps behind me.

I spun around, my shoulder bumping a stack of carburetors stacked on the shelf. They went crashing to the floor just as a hand clamped down on my upper arm.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing out here?”

Chapter 18


“You think Vinny will be mad that I told her the truth?” I asked, sinking into the couch as Bear and Axle sat across from me. I was nearly certain that we were the only three still sober, though Will had just left for the night—well, morning.

“I don’t think so. I mean, Hannah is his family. I know he looks at her that way. I was surprised she didn’t already know. Vinny has always been open about his time in prison, though after Jen passed away, I think things got a little tougher on him.”

I nodded. “You think I should tell him, though? I doubt Hannah will keep her mouth shut about it. She was shocked.”

Bear shrugged. “I think I’d just let it be. You’re overthinking it, kid. Vinny looks at you like a son. He ain’t gonna be mad that you told her.”

“Yeah, but he might be mad that I’m taking her to that party at Charlie’s place, though. It’s Friday, and based on what Vinny said, he’ll be here in town.”

“Even better. Take fucking Vinny with you.” Axle finally spoke, his eyes hazy from the marijuana.

“Why the hell would I do that?”

Axle chuckled, his blonde hair disheveled on his head. “Vinny was like the guru of that elite socializing, dude. That’s what Dad always said.”

I nodded, recalling my own dad saying something like that.

“Not a bad idea, really,” Bear added in, his fingers running through his gray beard. “Vinny might be able to give you a leg up. He and Charlie go way back. He’d probably be tickled to death to see him.”

“Yeah, I just don’t want to bring too much attention to my presence.”
