Page 49 of Vicious

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“Why are you going there?” Axle raised his eyebrows, his curiosity evident. Despite us being the same age and having been in the club together for about the same amount of time, Axle and I had never been very close. He was trustworthy from what I could tell—and was also sergeant at arms for the club...

But the close friendship just was never there for us.

We weren’t enemies, either. We just coexisted.

“It’s just business,” Bear answered before I could. Tip hadn’t spread the word of me missing the drop, and while I was thankful for that, as it spared me some scrutiny, it made it more difficult to solve the problem.

“Hmm.” Axle shrugged, taking another drag on his cigarette. “Whatever you say, man. If you need backup, you know you can count on me.”

“Yeah, we know you love a good fight, bud.” Bear chuckled and slapped his shoulder. “But I think this kind of fight might be a little out of your specialty.”

“Ah, probably.” Axle leaned back, shutting his eyes. “Let me tell you something, though.”

“What’s that?” I let out a yawn, my mind wandering back to the room where Hannah was sleeping.

“I need to get some fucking sleep before I have to go to work in like five hours. There’s no way that I’m gonna be worth ten cents at this rate.” Axle’s eyes fluttered open as he leaned forward, putting his cigarette out in the ashtray on the table between us. “Good luck dealing with your reporter girlfriend,” he added, an amused look crossing his face as he looked past me. “Looks like you need it.”

“What?” I shook my head before turning to see what he was looking at.

Fuck. What has she done now?

Will was dragging Hannah by the arm into the lounge, looking completely unimpressed with her. There was a clear oil stain in the sleeve of her white t-shirt, and I was already trying to figure outhowthat even happened.

The woman was supposed to be sleeping.

“Found her snooping around in the garage with her phone in her hand. I don’t know what the hell she was up to out there.”

“I wasn’tsnooping,” Hannah snapped up at him. “It’s not like that at all. I was just...exploring.”

Bear and Axle burst into simultaneous laughter, filling the lounge as I didn’t feel a tinge of fucking amusement at what happened. This wasmywoman, and therefore,myproblem.

And I had be in control.

“What the fuck were you doing out of the room? And why the garage?” I demanded, pushing myself up off the couch. “There’s no reason for you to be anywhere else but my room or the lounge.”

“Okay, well, first off,no onetold me.” She was going up against me, and I didnotappreciate the disrespect in front of the members. “And it was just the garage—”

“If I don’ttellyou, you can go somewhere, then youdon’tgo there without asking me first. You stay where I put you,period.” My voice was cold, and I hated the way she was wincing at my words.

But damn, if she’d just give in front of everyone, I wouldn’t have to be such a dick.

“I really think that you should hear me out,” she continued, her voice shifting as she eyed the Axle and Bear. “I need to talk to you.”

“She’s really something,” Axle chuckled, shaking his head. “And I’m gonna let you deal with this. I don’t feel like watching you get your ass whooped by a tiny little blonde.” He rubbed his jaw as he disappeared from the room, leaving the remaining four of us.

Will let go of her, gently pushing her in my direction. “You need to get this shit under control, VP. This is ridiculous. She might be Vinny’s family, but I don’t know why she’s still here. You need to figure that out and get it said before she gets herself into big trouble.”

Hannah looked confused and concerned—maybe even a little mad, but her eyes held something else in them...


My eyes raked over her, seeing her demeanor a little tense. “Just... Yeah, she’s mine. Make it fucking official, I guess.”

She’ll be gone in a week anyway.

“What does this mean?” Hannah’s eyes were bouncing between all of us, her arms wrapping around herself. “Because I’m no one’s property.”

“Ya are now,” Will grunted, spinning on his heel and heading back down the hallway, calling back over his shoulder. “Good luck with keeping her contained.”
