Page 50 of Vicious

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Bear let out a sharp exhale. “Well, this is complicated.”

“No shit.” I grabbed Hannah’s arm, glaring at her as I tugged her back toward the room. “Why do you have to be so fucking stubborn?” Bear’s laughter filled the lounge behind us.

“Ireallyneed to talk to you.” She ripped her arm from my grasp, sending that familiar stabbing pain through my chest. I groaned, and her eyes went wide as she realized what she had done. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry.”

“If you were sorry, you wouldn’t have gone out snooping around.” I gritted my teeth, holding back the anger threatening to blow. I had already drudged up the past for the woman, and she clearly had no intention of making things get any easier for me.

“I was curious as to where that led,” she gestured to the turn that led out to the warehouse and garage. “I’d never been out there before.”

“Well, now you know.” My voice was cold as I reached for the door, shoving it open, following her in, and then slamming the door.

“Why are you so mad?”

“You have to fucking respect me in front of members. When I’m telling you something, you have to listen.”

“I’m not your slave.”

“Ineversaid you were my slave, Hannah. I don’t want you to be my slave. I don’t want you to be my property, either, but that’s how this works—and you’ll be glad you are. Trust me.”

She rolled her eyes at me.

“This is a whole other world, Hannah, and you’ve barely gotten your feet wet. You havenoidea how shit can go down. I am trying to protect you, and by labeling you as mine officially, I made you untouchable. You can go wherever you want,” I paused, running my hands through my hair. “But Jesus, stop snooping around. Come tome.I will take you wherever you want to go.” My jaw was tensed as I sat down on the edge of the bed, feeling more than overwhelmed just then. There was so much shit going down, and I didn’t feel like I had a handle on any of it.

Hannah went quiet, a portion of her bottom lip sucked into her mouth, a glimmer of her tooth visible. Her black lace bra was visible through her white t-shirt, and all I wanted to do was rip the shirt off, ravaging her body.

But I was injured.

And tired.

And angry.

“Okay.” Her voice came out breathy. “I’ll make sure that I consult you before I go exploring.”

“Thank you.” I let out a sigh, kicking off my high-top Vans. I glanced at the digital clock, realizing that it was already nearly five. “You should probably get some sleep.”

“Actually...” her voice trailed off.


“I meant it when I said I really needed to talk to you. Are there any cameras or anything like that in here?”

The question struck me odd, but I shook my head. “There’s not. Gunner and I just redid the security system. Why?”

Her voice lowered as she rocked back and forth. “I don’t want anyone to hear.”

I narrowed my eyes, my stomach knotting up. “What is it?”

“I took that back staircase to the warehouse—or whatever you said that is. I wasn’t really meaning to do anything, I swear. I was just exploring, thinking that I might get something for my story. Anyway, I overheard some people talking.”

“Look, what the club does for business is the one thing that I can’t discuss with you, Hannah. Whatever you heard, you’re going to have to forget it.”

“I don’t give a shit what you do for business,” she snapped at me. “This is aboutyou.There were two guys out there talking about the shooting that happened out front of the café, and I’m pretty sure there’s a hit on you—from inhere.”

I blinked a few times, my mind not processing what she had just said. “That makes no sense, Hannah. There’s no way that someone in here is trying to kill me.”

“Uh, then what was I hearing? They weren’t wearing any kind of vests or anything, either. They were just in black hoodies.”

Black hoodies?
