Page 63 of Vicious

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“I’m meeting a friend there.”


“You’re really not going to let this go, are you?”


“His name is Frankie Upton. He’s the president of a sister club of ours. I didn’t think... I would’ve had Gunner come with me, but he’s apparently off running errands.” He gave me a suspicious look.

“I have nothing to do with that,” I quipped, rolling my eyes at him.



“If only I actually believed you.”

“Well, you should.” I furrowed my brow at him, his bars still firmly in my grip as the worry came creeping back. “Maybe you should just let me follow you there.”

“What? Why the hell would I do that? I told you that I have someone meeting me there. I don’t need a fucking babysitter.Youare the one who needs one of those.”

“Stop being so stubborn. Weknowsomeone is after you, whether you want to believe the source or not. Someone shot you, for heaven’s sake.”

“For fuck’s sake, Hannah,” Viper suddenly roared, startling me. “I don’t need you to make sure that I’m safe. I’ve been around this kind of shit my entire life. I think I’ll be just fine. I don’t need my girlfriend to mother me.”


Despite him being angry, that word caught me off guard—and based on the stone-cold look on his face, I wasn’t sure he had any idea what he had just said. His bright green eyes were boring into mine like he was expecting me to let go...

But now, Ireallywasn’t going to.

“You can’t go without someone else—someone could catch you on the way when you’re by yourself,” I pleaded, my voice coming out more desperate than I had expected. “Please just don’t.”

He hesitated, his motorcycle’s engine vibrating my hands as we both went silent, staring at each other. “So what do you want me to do, Hannah? I can’t let anyone here at the club go along—and I don’t like your idea either.”

Hedoesbelieve me.

“I really can follow you.”


“Why?” The frustration came pouring back into my voice. “I’ve interviewed serial killersalonein a room—just the two of us. I think I can handle following you.”

He glanced down at his wristwatch before throwing his hands in the air. “Fine, I’m already gonna be late. Just don’t stay—and whatever you do, donotget out of the Tahoe when we get there, got it?”

I nodded, immediately letting go and running to the SUV parked on the other side of the parking lot. I had barely dug my keys out of my pocket and opened the driver’s side door before he was racing out of the parking lot—and taking off down the highway.

Mother fucker. He’s going to try and lose me.

Anger burned in my chest as I jumped in. As soon as I started the engine, I threw it in reverse and stomped on the gas. Gravel flew as I spun the tires, whipping out of the parking lot to chase after Viper. All the guys in the garage’s eyes were wide as I tore out, and I laughed to myself at the sight.

Girls can drive, too, assholes.

But as I sped down the two lane highway, even farther out of town, I struggled to catch up to Viper. He was eyes glanced down at the speedometer, the Tahoe reaching speeds of nearly one hundred miles per hour. My stomach lurched, never having driventhatfast before.

What the hell, Viper? Trying to get us thrown in jail for reckless driving?

But I pushed the fear away, urging the SUV to move a little faster, ignoring the fact that we were heading out into the desert landscape. The houses were becoming fewer and farther between—and I didn’t like what I was seeing.
