Page 64 of Vicious

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“How far are we going to go?” I asked myself, feeling more concerned than ever as I realized that not only were we a long ways from town, the remote location would be perfect for, you know...

Disposing of a body.

Maybe it was just paranoia. I mean, biker clubs did plenty of other shady business that would make the cover of the desolate desert the perfect meeting place—but that didn’t make it set any better. I finally caught up to the back of Viper’s bike and watched as he glanced in the side mirror, shaking his head at me.

Yeah, can’t run from me, mister.

I gave him a wicked smile that I hoped he could see through the windshield, but I wasn’t sure if he actually could. We kept driving further and further into the middle of nowhere. I picked up my cellphone, noticing that the service was beginning to grow spotty.

Someone needs to know where we are...

Picking it up, I called Gunner, not sure if that was the best idea or not—but it didn’t matter, because after just two rings, it went to voicemail. Letting out a sigh, I decided to take the plunge, calling Vinny.

He’s going to kill me for this.

But he picked up on the first ring. “Hey, kid. I’ve been a little worried about you out there. I haven’t heard much.”

“When are you coming?”


“When are you coming to Sans Verta?”

“I’ll be there in...” his voice trailed off, like he was having to dig for information. “Four days.”

“I think you should come sooner.” It wasn’t what I had planned to ask for, but the little girl in me was overpowering the brave woman driving off into the desert, and Vinny was family.

And someone I could trust.

“Um, okay, but why? And you sound on edge.” His tone was flat as per usual, but I picked up on a little bit of worry.

“I’m following Viper into the middle of the desert so he doesn’t have to go by himself, and there’s also a hit on him, and it’s coming from within the club—and I don’t have anyone I trust. Other than Gunner, I guess. But he’s MIA at the moment.”

He was silent.

“Vinny?” I pulled the phone away from my ear, seeing the words,call failed, pass across the screen.


I hit the redial, waiting for it to ring...

But it didn’t.

It just kept flashing the same call failed message. Annoyed, I tossed the phone into the passenger seat, refocusing my attention on the road ahead. I hadnoidea how far we had driven....

Shit, I should’ve been paying attention.

I shook my head at myself, more irritated than anything. Iknewbetter. Viper hit his brakes in front of me, slowing down, and I did the same. I was staying close, but nottooclose. I knew the proper etiquette for following behind a motorcycle. We came to an unmarked road, and Viper took a hard left, his front tire bouncing as he dropped off the pavement to the dirt.

Jitters of anxiety rolled through my body as I followed him down the road, noticing that there was literallynothing.

No houses.

No fences.

No signs of life.

Well, except for the tire tracks that I saw just in front of Viper. Someone else had been down the road—and my guess was it was whoever we were meeting. Well, whoViper wasmeeting. I was just supposed to leave...
