Page 78 of Vicious

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Gunner’s face was already white as he turned back to me. “Dude, I’ve been trying to call you. H-h-he sent me out here to check on the bikes and when I went back in, I couldn’t find him—like anywhere. One of the guys said that he and some other guy left in a van...with Hannah.”

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Chapter 29


Oh no.

I could barely open my eyes, feeling as though they had magnets attached to them, forcing them to close. My head was woozy, spinning like I had drank way too much vodka or something.

What am I doing?

Something was rattling beneath me, and for some reason, I instantly envisioned a train, carrying me far away into the desert...

To dump me off.

There was a searing pain around my wrists, and with a slight wiggle of my arms, I knew that I wasbound. I nearly panicked at the realization, but thankfully, my instincts kicked in. That was thelastthing I needed to do. Taking a quiet deep breath, I forced my eyes open again, forcing myself to blink until they adjusted to the dim lights around me.

Well, no lights, really.

The moon was shining through the back glass, hitting me right in the face. Slowly, I turned my head in the opposite direction, seeing the rest of what I recognized as the back of a van...

What happened to me?

All I could remember was going to the party with Viper—and then what? What did he do? Did he leave me? I racked my memory, searching the haze of what appeared to be short term memory loss.

“You think this is far enough out, boss?” a voice chuckled, grabbing my attention. Iinstantlyrecognized it—and the smell of weed penetrating the entire cargo van. “I don’t think no one is going to find the body too soon.

Body? Did they kill Viper?

I whipped my head around silently, but only saw that I was mostdefinitelyalone in the back of the van. Viper was nowhere in sight.

So that means they’re talking about me.

“He’s gonna know she’s gone, and I overestimated Charlie Hughes's need for big business. I guess he’s just as fucking loyal to the Lombardis as he is to the Lewis family.”

Who is that?

I listened more closely as he continued.

“I know that it’ll put a hit on my back when they find out it’s me, but I guarantee that I’ll be out of here before anyone knows. I guess we’ll just have to count this one as a loss.”

Tippy. It’s freaking Tippy.

“A fuckin’ expensive loss.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing—and the more I thought about it, analyzing the Steel Heretic’s president’s voice without seeing his face...

The more I realizedhewas one of the voices that I heard in the garage.

“We just need to get this cleaned up.” Tippy sounded agitated, and whoever was driving—I couldn’t tell, floored the van. The engine roared, bouncing me around the back as the van launched over a bump in the road.

“What about Viper?”

“One thing at a time. We’re way ahead of him.”

The two of them fell into silence as I felt the van suddenly slow, turning to the left. Based on the speed and rough terrain, my guess is that Tippy had chosen a similar path as what I had driven down...
