Page 9 of Sold to the Enemy

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She tapped her neck twice.

“Commander Aubrie Kent to Sergeant Logan Shepard. Message received. Location changed. Please come find me,” she whispered, adrenaline coursing through her veins and cloaking her fear. If Edagon found her now, he’d surely kill her. There was no doubt in her mind.

She sat there for a long while before she heard a sound. Boots clicked on the concrete surface and she hazarded a glance around the corner, only to see a small group of familiar military faces. She sighed with happiness and stood up, waving to her Earthen military mates. The man at the head of the group carried a large AKX1200, a laser gun that was one of the most advanced technology that Earth had developed.

“Sergeant Logan Shepard?” she asked hesitantly.

“Commander Aubrie Kent?” the man asked, his dark brown eyes studying her. He wore a helmet that hid most of his face, the black gear telling her that he was a part of the stealth division. The men around him trained their weapons on her. Every single one of them narrowed their gazes at her. Something wasn’t right. They didn’t rush to rescue her or check her for injuries. Instead, their formation began to tighten. Fingers stiffened on triggers, eyes locked on sights that were pointed toward her. She began to feel uneasy in that moment.

“Yes. Identity confirmed,” she responded.

Sergeant Shepard pressed a button on his helmet, saying the words “target acquired” softly into the wind. She took a step backward then, a sickening feeling bubbling up from the bottom of her stomach.

Shepard lifted his weapon and trained it on her.

She knew it then and she cried out in defeat. This wasn’t a rescue mission, this was an assassination. Earth had abandoned her, deemed her worthy of nothing but death. She had important information about the human forces and they could no longer afford to keep her alive. She knew too much. It was a danger to allow her to live. Shock stilled her. Everything she had worked for, her entire life, all the time and dedications she had willingly given the military, it was all for nothing.

She was now a liability.

She was as good as dead.

“I’m sorry, Commander, but orders are orders,” he said, without a single hint of emotion in his voice.

The sergeant moved to pull the trigger.

A golden shimmer moved behind him and the outline of a tall form materialized. She blinked, convinced her eyes were playing tricks on her. After a long moment, Commander Edagon appeared behind Shepard and he did not look pleased.

All at once, golden shimmers appeared everywhere and the Venassathi men appeared within the small group of men. The battle began and ended in a matter of seconds, the human forces taken by surprise. The alien men were bigger, more powerful, and most important, had access to weapons that left human technology in the dust.

She watched in both horror and relief as each alien man dispatched the humans, leaving them paralyzed and shackled as quickly as they appeared, all with a tiny handheld device in each of the alien’s hands.

Commander Edagon walked toward her, his eyes dark, stormy, and incredibly angry.

“See to it that the prisoners are detained and questioned. Take down the last remaining ship in the air and see to it that their escape routes are destroyed. No one is to enter the dome without first providing proof that they are indeed Venassathi. Am I perfectly clear? This breach of our great city will never happen again,” he warned, his voice loud and quaking with ire.

“Yes, Commander. Consider it done,” one of the aliens responded.

He purposely moved in front of her and she suddenly felt very small.

“You and I have much to discuss, slave,” he growled and she trembled before him.

He offered her his hand and stared at her then, daring her to defy him.

Tentatively, she took it, knowing whatever was to happen next would probably not be good for her. She had no other options though.

“I’ll handle my slave, gents. I’ll see to it that she won’t even think about betraying us again,” he warned loudly and she shivered.

She was going to die.


The walk back to Edagon’s chamber was eerily silent except for the sound of their steps echoing in the hall, ringing like a bell tolling her doom. She felt numb. Cold. Like it was all about to end.

He thought her a traitor to him. Her enemy. There was no reason he would allow her to survive this. Hell, even Earth had planned to kill her. She watched as he placed his palm on the reader, the familiar heavy steel door opening for them and closing with a loud click after they entered.

She stood there alone as she felt his presence approach behind her. She felt the roughness of his touch on her back as he gripped the fabric of the dress covering her body. A terrible ripping sound echoed around her and she cried as he tore the gown off of her. The shredded fabric fell to the floor, revealing her nakedness to him once again. She moved to cover herself, but he quickly knocked her hands away.

She felt his breath on her skin—hot, angry, vengeful—and she struggled to keep silent in her fear. Trembling, she closed her eyes.
