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She smiled. “I would love that more than I can express.”

While she did the dishes, he sat at the table with pen and paper and made two lists. When he handed her the paper, she glanced down at it. “Looks like we’re pretty compatible food-wise. I can’t stand pickles either. Why would anyone ruin a good burger with pickles?”

“My mom put relish in everything. I thought I hated potato salad until we had a big company picnic and Scott’s wife, Savannah made hers. It was delicious. Everything is the same except for the pickles my mom puts in hers. They’re so gross.”

“And they take up more than their fair share of food space. I mean, you put them on a burger, and the whole bun is soaked in pickle pee.”

He nodded. “I think pickles should be outlawed.”

“Me too! I’m writing my congressman as soon as I figure out who that is!”

He chuckled. “It’s like we’ve just moved here or something.”

“Isn’t it?”

She sat down on the couch with pen and paper in hand, wanting to incorporate his favorite things as well as her own into the menu she was making. She only hoped that Rebekah wouldn’t mind cooking off her menu.

She tried to arrange simpler meals on the weekends that would reheat well. Then she would have a choice of cooking or she could grab something already made from the fridge.

As she was writing, one of the kittens jumped up on the couch and laid down across her notebook, rolling over to her back. “Tortie, what are you doing? Do you not want your mama to work?” Scratching the kitten’s belly seemed to be a mistake when the kitten wrapped all four legs around her arm and bit her hand.

Kyle glanced over and laughed. “She’s a menace.”

“I can tell. I didn’t give her permission to do that!”

Lanche climbed up his legs and jumped from Kyle’s lap right onto Tortie, and the two kitties fell onto the floor in one heap. “Are they hurt?” Alexis asked.

Kyle shook his head. “No, they’re playing. That’s how kittens act.”

“I guess I’ve only ever been around adult cats.”

“Kittens are learning to be predators. They will stalk and kill prey, so they like to think they’re little predators now as they attack each other.”

She giggled. “We have two tiny little ferocious predators. I hope they don’t have trouble killing their food!”

He smiled, stealing a quick kiss. “How long do you think the menu will take?”

“Just for the menu, probably an hour. But then I’ll want to put a Walmart grocery order in and that part will take longer.”

“Does it all have to be done tonight?” he asked.

“Absolutely not,” she replied. “I want it done before the end of the day tomorrow.”

“So there’s time for a little kissing and petting tonight?”

“You want to kiss and pet our babies?” she asked. “You don’t have to ask me. The pets belong to both of us.”

He shook his head at her, noting the twinkle in her eyes. “I suppose you could look at it that way, but I really don’t know why you would.”

She laughed. “We’ll have time.”

“Good. Will we have time for me to carry you to my room and have my way with you?”

She shrugged. “I have no idea how long that takes.”

“We could do a practice run and time it. For scientific purposes of course.”

“Of course,” she said with a grin. “I have to do this menu first, though.”
