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He sighed. “I feel thwarted!”

“You should,” she said softly. “I’m doing all I can to thwart you at every opportunity!”

“Well, you should stop that!” he protested. “I like the idea of having a sweet pliable wife who enjoys every second with me.”

“What should we eat for supper on the seventeenth?” she asked, simply to get him to stop talking about sex.

“That sounds like a good night for beanie weenies.”

“Sorry, you must have forgotten to put them on your list,” Alexis said.

Kyle sighed. “You ask for my input, and then you argue with my answer! Is this what marriage to you will be like?”

“Oh, I think you’ll find there are perks as well,” she said.


She carefully set the notebook and pen on the coffee table and turned fully toward him on the couch. Her hands started at his waist as she carefully pushed his shirt up to his shoulders, her fingers tracing every inch of him. When she raised her lips to his, he immediately took over the kiss, but allowed her hands to keep exploring.

When she finally pulled away, she looked straight into his eyes. “Like that.”

“You’re killing me. Let’s go to bed.”

She tilted her head to one side for a moment before slowly nodding her agreement. He wasn’t going to be able to think of anything else until they’d made love. That much was clear.

He stood and hoisted her up into his arms carrying her into her bedroom, putting her down on her feet right beside the bed. He quickly divested her of her shorts and t-shirt and threw his shirt onto the floor.

She sighed, shaking her head. “Now I’m just going to have to wash more dirty clothes.”

He chuckled as he leaned down and kissed her again. Finally getting the go-ahead from her was like Christmas, her birthday, and Easter all rolled into one. He was like a kid with a brand-new toy that he couldn’t wait to try out, but he was being careful with it, because he was afraid he’d break it.

Finally, he removed her bra and panties and pushed her down onto the bed, pushing down his jeans and underwear and moving down beside her. Cupping her face in his hands, he focused on simply kissing her. When her hands started stroking his body, he knew she was ready for more.

He touched her all over, his fingers and tongue, touching every inch of her body that was accessible to him.

When he finally moved to join their bodies together, Alexis was ready. She wanted Kyle in a way she’d never wanted a man in her life, and when he started to press into her, she gasped, surprised that it both hurt and felt so right all at once. How did anyone do this more than once, when surely they would have to spontaneously combust the first time.

Finally, when he was seated deeply inside her, he began moving, slow strokes while he watched her face intently, careful not to hurt her any more than he had to.

She was gasping for air, wanting to push him away and pull him to her all at once. Finally, he said, “Relax, and it’ll happen.”

So she wrapped her arms and legs around him, and did as he said. As soon as she’d stopped thinking about what she was supposed to be doing, she felt her climax build within her, and she let out a gasp of shock as she finished before him, lifting him off the bed with the force of her feelings.

He finished himself and moved beside her, out of breath but oh so relaxed. Finally.

Chapter Seven

Afterward, she snuggled up to him, and they both fell asleep. Alexis was so tired from having to change her schedule, and Kyle was just as tired after twelve hours of work.

When she woke in the morning, she realized she hadn’t set her alarm, but there was something buzzing on the floor. Rolling out of bed, she walked around and grabbed his phone from the pocket of his jeans. “Shut your alarm off,” she said, dropping the phone onto his chest as she headed into the bathroom to shower and get ready for her day.

She made the shower quick so she could get breakfast started, but when she walked into the kitchen, she was surprised to see Rebekah already there with breakfast ready.

She’d made some sort of breakfast casserole that Alexis was ready to dig into immediately. “You’re my hero!” she said as she hurried into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee with the Keurig. “I figured you’d sleep til at least noon.”

Rebekah laughed. “When you’ve gotten up at six in the morning for twenty years, it’s not so easy to sleep until noon.” She added a huge spoonful of the casserole to a plate and handed it to Alexis.

Alexis took a bite and smiled. “You weren’t kidding about being able to cook, were you?”
