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Kyle joined them then, already dressed for his day. “You must be Rebekah.”

“I am. It’s good to meet you.”

“I’m Kyle,” he said, not wanting to stand on any kind of formalities.

She put food on a plate for him. “Do you want coffee?”

“Yes, please. And orange juice.”

Rebekah had the drinks on the table in front of him in moments. “I hope you both like breakfast casserole because it’s my favorite thing to eat in the mornings.”

Alexis nodded, smiling. “This is really good. But my favorite thing about it is I didn’t have to get up early to fix it.”

Kyle nodded. “Very good. Eat with us!”

Rebekah shook her head. “I have too much coffee buzzing through my system to be able to sit.”

“I started making a menu for the month for you, but I got distracted,” Alexis said. She couldn’t meet Kyle’s gaze because she knew she would blush, and exactly what had distracted her would be obvious.

“We can work on it together today, if you want,” Rebekah said.

“We need groceries badly,” Alexis said. “We’ll get the menu ready, and then I’ll do an online order from Walmart. We can go get them together and we’ll talk along the way so you know exactly what we need from you.” Alexis hid a yawn behind her hand. “I was working an overnight shift until three weeks ago, and getting used to being up earlier than I ever went to bed may just be the end of me.”

Rebekah laughed. “A leopard doesn’t change his spots either. I can handle breakfast for Kyle if you want to sleep in later.”

Alexis shook her head. “I’ve done it two days in a row now. It’ll start getting easier any day. I’m sure of it.”

Rebekah ate her share of the casserole standing up, and Alexis couldn’t help but grin. “Do you always have so much energy?” she asked.

“Only when I drink a pot of coffee when I wake up,” Rebekah responded.

After breakfast, Kyle kissed Alexis goodbye before going out to meet Joe at the stables again. It was becoming his routine, and he was just glad to have someone helping.

“I am so glad you’re here!” Alexis said. “I know I just hired you yesterday, but I’m trying to keep up with household chores, cooking, learning the books for the ranch, and take care of two very ferocious little predators.”

Rebekah laughed. “When I came in, I saw them, but they ran off as quickly as they could. The little white one is adorable. He’s so fluffy!”

Alexis smiled. “He’s long-haired. From what I understand, my father didn’t want cats around, so there’s a bit of a mouse problem. I decided to get two kittens from different litters so they could multiply and deal with the barn issues as well as keep me company. We just got them Sunday, so they’re not exactly allowed outside yet.”

“They’ll need about two weeks of being just inside before they’ll know where to come home to,” Rebekah agreed.

“I kind of made a cleaning chart for myself for when I thought I was going to have to wait a bit for a housekeeper, but you can use it if you want.”

“Are you one of those highly organized people who expects everything to be perfect all the time?”

Alexis laughed. “Not at all. But I attempt to be one of those highly organized people. I’m constantly making charts and lists and never accomplishing what’s on them.”

“It’ll give me a place to start,” Rebekah said smiling.

“I do keep a list of things we seem to be out of on a notepad on the fridge. Everything was perfectly organized when I arrived, and I’m just trying to keep it that way.”

“We’ll develop our own system as time goes by.”

Alexis nodded, standing up to take her plate to the sink. “I got that. You work on your menu.”

“Since we’re newlyweds, I got Kyle to write me a list of his favorite meals and another of the things he simply refuses to eat. I’m using that as a jumping-off point for the menus.”

Rebekah nodded. “Sounds smart.”
