Page 51 of Mind Blowing

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Blake reached over, grabbing some of the offered midnight snack. “She knows some of his rep.Whydo you think she kept turning him down? She was on campus with us for a full semester and she definitely was not the first girl you banged. Just the only one you knocked up. Right?”

Everyone sort of looked at each other, blinking in silence, letting the thought of Jasper getting more than one coed pregnant settle betweenthem. No one seemed to want to touch it, thankfully.

He didn’t want to cause any issues between Blake and Callie. He liked the way their relationship was developing. Theircloseness made him happy. Callie would need Blake’s support, and Axie’s as well. The thought of putting a strain on their friendship sucked.

He heldouthis hand, caching the bowl when Axie slid it across the coffee table. “So what should I tell her first? That I had anal with her one of her only friends, that I turn into a wolf at will, or that she’s my mate and I claimed herbyaccident?” He pushed some popcorn into his mouth as his brain threatened to shut down.

“I’d lead with wolf, then give it a few days to settle.” Jace stood, setting his girl on her feet. “Then tell her a little about our culture and the other couples in the pack. After she grasps that, you can let her know she’s your forever.” He took Axie’s hand, dragging her out of the living room and calling over his shoulder, “And then, maybe mention that you used to like it when Riley pulled out his dick.” Axie’s laughter echoed as they made their way back to their bedroom.

The remainingcouplegot up, making their way to the stairs. “I agree with Jace.” Blake patted him on the back. “Let us know how we can help, okay?”

Heappreciatedher offer. He wasn’t sure how they couldhelp, not at first. Maybe once he’d laid it all out there,placedthe truth atCallie’sfeet, Axie and Blake could provide some moral support.

He paused atCallie’sdoor, turning to tell them thank you. He didn’t get the words out though, because Riley punched him right in the fucking face. He stumbled back, catching himself on the wall.

“You deserved that.” Riley ruffled his hair. “If you ever utter the wordanalin my presence again, I’ll break your nose.”

Jasper nodded, heading backdownstairsin search of some ice for his cheek. “Fair enough.”

Chapter Thirty-Three


Callahandidn’t mean to have sex with Jasper. She wasn’t sure what had come over her, what had made her feel so flushed, so utterly honest. That wasn’t who she was. She didn’t talk about sex and hormones and lust. Jasper did though, so unapologetically. It was intoxicating, the ease in which he articulated the things he needed,whathe wanted. Still. Having sex with the father of her baby wasn’t a smart move. She’d woken up early and embarrassed. She was nervous, unsure of what Jasper’s attitude would be in the light of day. They’d been scratching an itch, right?

And scratch it they had. She thought her mind had been blown the first time they were together. That was nothing compared to last night. Jasper seemed to be inside her brain or something. He knew exactly what she needed and how to give it to her.

“Callie? You okay?”

“Sorry. Did you say something?” She smiled at Maddi, handing her a tabletcontainingthe next patient’s medical history and release form. “I was just, um, getting these next few kids uploaded.”

Maddi took the tablet, a suspicious grin on her face. “You sure you’re okay? You seem a little spacey today. Alittle distracted.”

“Oh, uh, I apologize. I didn’t mean to cause any problems.”

“Whoa, no, sweet girl. That’s not what I meant.” Maddi reached for her hand, guiding her away from the waiting area and the thinning crowd of teenage boys. “You are arock star.I don’t know how I would be pulling any of this off without you. I was concerned.I wanted to make sure that everything was okay, that’s all.”

Callahanfound herself wanting to confide in Maddi, to tell her what happened last night and how confused about everything she was. She couldn’t ever talk to her mom about stuff like that. She put her hand to her stomach, vowing to the universe that if she had a daughter, she’d make her feel like they could discuss any and everything.

“I’m feeling a bit more tired than usual today, no worries.” Now wasn’t the time or the place. They had a room full of kids waiting on them. Maybe after they were done for the day, she’d gather the courage to let Maddi in.

They saw at least a dozen more patients, working together efficiently.

She glanced up, thinking another teen was walking in, but instead she was greeted with Jasper’s smiling face. She couldn’t help her reaction to seeing him, the way her nerves danced and her skin heated. She tucked her pen into the messy bun on top of her head. “Hey, what are you doing here?”

“I came with Jace and Riley to meet Linc at the batting cages.I thought I’d drive you home once you’re done for the day.” He was so handsome, so happy all the time. It was as if his smirk was permanently etched on his face. The only time she’d seen it slip was the night they’d found out she was pregnant.

She snuck out earlier than she needed to that morning, her fear of his regret driving her to get breakfast in town and show up an hour before the clinic opened. She thought she’d have the drive back to Jace and Axie’s to figure out what she wanted to say to him.

“That’s nice of you, thanks. We have three more patients to see though, do you mind waiting?”

“Not at all.” Jasper tossed a baseball up into the air, catching it on the back of his hand. “I’m going to head down and hit a few balls, meet me down there when you’re done?”

“Sounds good.”

When he walked out of their makeshift clinic, she let out a sigh of relief. She had no clue how to untangle the mess they’d made last night. Did she regret it? Didhe? She knew they needed to have an honest conversation, but she was dreading it. She’d never meant to complicate things, but when it came to Jasper, she acted out of character more than not.

She moved into the waiting area, calling the second to last patient of the day. He was blond and smiling at her in a way that she’d come to recognize as an overly confident boyhood swagger. She was surrounded every day by the absolute cockiest teens she’d ever encountered. They all strutted and flirted, winked nonstop. She’d learned to ignore them the way Maddi had done from day one.
