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I gritted my teeth, trying to ignoreallthose thoughts.

Here we go, another day of temptation.

Despite my best mental effort, she stirred, and I tried to ignore the buzz that pushed through me when she brushed against my dick, leaving me twitching again. I could feel her stirring and I sucked a breath through my teeth as I tried to ever so gently shift her off of me, so I could quickly get up before she realized.

I headed into the bathroom to check the bandages on my growing list of wounds. I quickly peeled off the bandage from the wound that Emma had given me via two stabs in the back that night. It was stitched up and healing nicely, but still tender. Then I checked on the newest gash on my arm, the one Emma had stitched up as best she could, and I smiled, knowing that it would indeed leave a scar, and that I didn’t mind in the slightest. It was a record of her concern and care. Even if I couldn’t ever have that for myself, I’d stolen a moment of it, and now I’d carry it with me forever. I quickly swapped out the bandages, throwing the dirty ones in the trash bin, and I stuffed the bloody ones to the bottom so they were not easily visible.

When I came out of the bathroom, Emma was propped up on her elbows, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and looking incredibly sexy. Too sexy.

I had to get out of this room before I lost my will. “I’m headed out. I’ll see you tonight.” I quickly grabbed my things and then snuck a look up at her. She was watching me quietly. “Don’t forget to stay here. Seriously, don’t leave.” I said it firmly, a command.

“What am I supposed to eat?” She questioned, suddenly realizing what she already knew.

“There’s more food in that bag.”

“Really?” She made a face. “I’m supposed to live off MREs, you did not include that detail before we left.” She huffed, “I can smell all the good food down there, though.” She lifted her chin towards the balcony, and the smell of food that was sneaking through the closed door. “Can’t you?”

And I could smell it, but right now I didn’t have the time to play host. That’s not why we were here. “I know, but the less we can leave the room, the better.” I’d feel a whole lot better once I could get Emma back home and on more familiar ground. I didn’t love leaving her here alone all day, but it was the best option I had at the moment.

She squinted with sleepy eyes. “Youleft yesterday.” She emphasized with a wave of hand, “Why can’t we grab something, just quickly?”

I came to sit on the edge of the bed and felt her eyes sweeping over me with longing. “And look how I came back.” She nodded, her eyes flicking down to my arm. “Promise me you won’t leave, ok?” I said it more softly than I had before.

“Fine,” she grumbled and plopped back down on the bed in frustration. “I’ll just rot in here, I guess, eating cardboard.”

I smiled at her, despite her concentrating on the ceiling and avoiding my gaze, and then locked myself out.

I quickly made my way up the street and over a few blocks. I headed into a small cafe I’d been to a dozen times before and gave the cashier a code word. They nodded discreetly, and I headed out and around the side of the building. After waiting for a moment, the gate buzzed open. I latched the gate behind me and made my way down the long, narrow alley. The blue sky was a long thin slice between two buildings, the sun not yet high enough in the sky to fully illuminate the dark pathway. At the end of the alley, in the building on the right, I knocked on the metal door; the sound echoing hollow and sharp.

After a moment, a man whipped the door open and greeted me with a big white toothy smile, a stark contrast from his dark cropped beard. He wasn’t particularly tall, but he was sturdy and broad, and I knew from personal experience how strong he was. What he lacked in height, he certainly made up for in strength. I grinned at my friend, whom I’d worked with many times while I was a Navy SEAL, Arash.

“I was wondering when the big man himself was going to come knocking on my door again.” Arash slapped me on the arm, and I winced as he made contact with one of my smaller injuries.

I clapped him on the back. “Good to see you, too.” And it was, with the work we both did, it was too often that we’d part ways, not sure if that was the last time we’d see each other. It was something we both knew, but never discussed.

He raised his eyebrows. “I thought you were retired.” He gestured for me to follow him into the building.

“That makes two of us.” I grinned. “I’m working in a different capacity now.”

He nodded. “They make it hard to leave, don’t they?”

I tilted my head. “Yeah, you could say that.” My eyes widened and dilated trying to adjust to the darkness inside, even being as early in the day as it was, it was hard to see, my eyes struggled to adjust to the difference between the bright daylight, and the dark cool of the building.

He led me into a room in the back and gestured to the table. I pulled up a chair.

“Tea?” He asked with a raise of his brows.

I nodded, and he gestured to someone who disappeared into the hallway, presumably to bring the tea.

“You well?”

I grinned, “About as well as I can be…”

“Because you look like shit.” He threw his head back and laughed, deep and throaty, clearly amused with his own joke.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

Someone returned with the tea, and then Arash excused everyone and closed the door, leaving us in privacy.
