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His gaze sharpened. “What do you need, friend?” He got straight to the point.

“It’s a big ask.” I warned him. “I’m looking for the leader of a terrorist group. I believe it is known as The Crescent?”

Arash clicked his tongue and nodded in recognition.

“So you know them?” I prodded.

“Are you after information, or is this a kill order?” He questioned.

“Does it matter?”

“No, I suppose not.” He shook his head. “Though I’d advise against leaving loose ends at all possible costs. If you know what I mean.”

And I did. It was a serious warning from a wary soldier. Maybe not the soldier of any government now, but a soldier nonetheless. “Do you know where I can find a man in the organization by the name of Armeen?” I asked.

He nodded. “Idon’t, but I think I know someone who can get you that information. But I believe the man you’rereallyafter is someone they call The Viper. I believe Armeen pulls the trigger, but only as The Viper commands.”

I scoffed and shook my head.

Arash scolded me. “I know, I know. On the nose…maybe. But this group, Reynolds… everything they touch is poisoned,somuch death,somuch violence.” He smiled warily at me. “Do be careful, friend. I’d hate to see you get bit.” He stood up.

“No promises.”

He swung the door open. “Give me a moment. Let me see what I can find out about Armeen.”

Arash returned a short while later with a scrap of paper and an address. “A meeting. The Viper will not be there, but Armeen should be.”

I nodded and thanked him for the information.

He walked me back to the front door. “They’ve been acquiring military weapons at an alarming rate, you know.”

“I know. That’s what I’m trying to slow down.”

Arash threw a couple of play punches at me. “I’d like to see you breathing the next time I see you.”

“So would I.” I stepped out into the bright daylight, and I turned towards him sheepishly. “You wouldn’t happen to be willing to loan me a car, would you?”

Arash grinned and tossed me a set of keys before I’d finished the question. “I was waiting for you to ask, old friend. I was just waiting for you to ask.” He chuckled, “Don’t get her too dirty now,” and disappeared behind the closed door.

I made my way down the alley and found the gate at the other end already unlocked. I pushed it open and into a small parking lot, where I quickly found the matching car to the keys he’d given me. I shook my head and laughed; the car was absolutely caked in mud and dust.

I had a couple of hours before the meeting time Arash had given me. I’d be able to scope out the location and hopefully find a good spot to listen in during the meeting.

I got a text from Emma

Emma: What do you recommend for breakfast? Eggs and hash browns or Eggs and peppers.

I chuckled to myself.Breakfast was not one of the better foods to enjoy with MRE’s, something about rehydrated eggs wasn’t a big winner in my book. I usually ate a dinner meal for breakfast for that very reason, but I deviously decided to let her figure that out on her own.

Me: The hash browns are more filling. Depends on how hungry you are.

Emma: Alright, I’ll give it a try. Thanks :P

I chuckled.I was definitely going to hear about this later. I’d try to make it up to her later and grab something for dinner, give her a taste of authentic street food before we left. I debated telling her about the dinner plans, but decided to keep it a surprise instead. If I could wrap this up cleanly this afternoon and make it back early enough, we could enjoy a nice meal together, and I’d only have to endure one more night with her in that damn dollhouse bed. Otherwise we’d be pushing our luck, if we shacked up together much longer. I tried to push the thoughts I’d had this morning out of my head, as I remembered the feeling of her pressed against me.

After driving for a bit, I found myself approaching the address Arash had given me, and I stopped a ways away, opting to approach on foot. The address was a large abandoned warehouse, with a few scattered buildings around it, all quite dilapidated, but overall the location seemed to be a low traffic one. After making my way around the building, I slipped inside, and once again my eyes worked to adjust to the change in light.

I quickly placed a few discrete microphones in various places in an attempt to record the conversation that was about to take place. Then I made my way up into the rafters and positioned myself behind one, in an effort to stay concealed. I pulled out my sniper rifle and set it up, and then I waited. If all went well, I’d record the conversation, and if Armeen did show up, I’d evaluate my ability to take him out right here and now. It would require taking out whatever security was inside, as well as the guest he’d be meeting with, necessary casualties. I was here to gather up as much information as I could, and then, as Arash had suggested, tie up the loose end when I was done. I’d have to feel it out. But hopefully I could take down Armeen.
