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“Okay, see you soon… I loveyou.” I bit my lip as uncertainty swirled in my mind, but I couldn’t let him know anything was up.

I hung up and drummed my fingers on the table. If itwasMason, he wouldn’t have given me the evidence to prove him guilty. He wouldn’t have just left me with his laptop and the tools to give him a life sentence. No, that wouldn’t have made any sense.

Somethingfelt off, and I needed to figure out what it was.

My mind buzzed with the events from the day before, now that I was by myself. There was an edge in my system, the prick of fear that had reared its ugly head again. What if itwasMason? I wrung my hands as I paced around the living room, wondering what to do. Wondering if I should run now while I had the chance.

I suddenly realized my window of escape was nearly gone. Mason would be back at any second. He was probably pulling into the driveway at this very moment. I slumped back down in front of his laptop and, with my brain fuzzy, I struggled to find the focus to keep working. To see what else I could dig up. What would I do when he showed up with eclairs and lunch with that big warm smile? Would that smile change when he realized what I’d seen? Was I teetering on the edge of danger again? The anxiety started to build.

Where the fuck is he? He should have been back by now.

I chewed my lip and called him again, and he didn’t pick up.


What the hell is going on?

What do I do?

I stood up, looking around.

I need to get out of here.


My fear turned into the urge to run, and I ran to the bedroom and dug out an odd tangle of clothes that were partly my own and partly his, pulling them on. I grabbed his gun and shoved it into the back of my pants and then I cautiously peeked out of the front door window towards the street.


I opened the door and hurried out.

As I rounded the edge of the garage, confused fear raked over me.

Mason’s Jeep sat running, with the keys in the engine, the driver's door wide open, but no Mason. I cautiously walked into the driveway and looked all around, before finally looking into the car. The food was still in the takeout bag sitting in the passenger seat, and Mason was nowhere to be found.


Oh fuck…



I quickly grabbedthe food as I took the keys out of the ignition and sprinted inside, locking the door behind me.

What do I do now!?

I frantically racked my brain.

Do I leave?

Do I stay?

Was this some sort of trick?

What if Mason was hurt? What if one of those assassins already killed him?

I steadied myself on the kitchen counter, focusing on my breathing. Oh God, I wasn’t cut out for this. What the fuck was I doing here?
