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I cursed myself for ever rerouting that plane back in high school. I cursed Mason for dragging me into this job.

Maybe prison was better off. You got outdoor time, after all, and you could take classes or have hobbies. Maybe prison wasn’t so bad. Maybe I’d just terminate my contract myself, let them lock me away.

I shuddered at the realization that the agency could probably get to me, even if I was locked up. No, I needed to figure out a real solution, not relieve my greatest regret as a stupid teenager right now.

I felt so nauseous, but suddenly I realized maybe it was because I was hungry. I smelled the food in the takeout bag, and I shook my head, feeling incredibly guilty. Mason was either fucking me over right now, or he was getting fucked over, and I… was hungry.

Well, if I was going to save him, or end up having to kill him, I supposed I’d better not do it on an empty stomach.

I rolled my eyes, stuffing half an eclair into my mouth. I groaned as it melted in my mouth.

Oh, it wassogood.

I knew I needed to eat some protein, though, something a bit more solid than sweets. I licked my fingers and quickly pulled out a container of lemon pasta and grilled chicken. My heart twisted at the fact that Mason went out to get me lunch and while he had mysteriously disappeared, I was doubting his loyalty. Not to mention eating. But I had to. I could feel the shakiness of my low blood sugar setting in. I quickly scarfed down a few bites of the chicken pasta while I stood at the counter.

Chewing, I blew out a breath as the food started to hit my system, and my shakiness slowly started to subside. I needed to figure out what to do. Plopping back down in front of the laptop as I chewed, I went back to work following the breadcrumbs. While I searched for what I hoped I would find, my anxiety continued to build, causing my nausea to come back

Suddenly, I snapped the puzzle pieces together, the picture clear in my mind.

My hand flew to my mouth, and goosebumps pebbled over my skin.

Oh… shit.

Shit, shit, shit.


My heart pounded in relief and horror.

It wasn’t Mason, but this realization of who it was might be worse. It meant Mason, and I were in even more danger than I realized.

My stomach turned while I contemplated it. Why hadn't I put it together sooner? It all made so much sense now that it was laid out in front of me. The ease with which the breaches kept happening over and over. I’d known it had to be someone on the inside, but this… this was catastrophic.

They’d been able to push me off their trail at every turn.

Time and time again.

No wonder it had been so easy for them to redirect me every time I went digging.

My blood began to boil.

This person within the agency had been authorizing the backdoor access the whole time. Nearly every security breach had been allowed at their discretion. Not only had they been allowing classified information to be stolen from right under our noses, but they’d beenactivelyselling the information. They were enthusiastically lining their pockets as they equipped terrorists with military grade weapons, to enact mass suffering on innocent people.

I was hot on the trail; I quickly traced the bank accounts and found that they went to a shell company.

They had made a trail straight to Mason in case of exposure, and I’d bought it for long enough that it nearly cost me.

This, the reason Mason had come to my house that night, the reason I was stuck in this for life.

I hated the fucking agency, and everyone in it. I hated it.

My fingers flew over the keyboard.

I didn’t hesitate for a moment, and I emptied the accounts, sending them to random ones. I could amend that messy solution later. Right now I was going to drain those mother fucking accounts for all they were worth.

Mason, oh he was lucky that I was as good at my job as I was. He was about to become the fall man if they didn’t kill him first.

My pulse thundered in my ears as I quickly worked to erase my own tracks as I toggled between our stolen hard drive and the system I was responsible for protecting.
