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If I wasn’t careful, someone would know my sticky little fingers had gone where they weren't supposed to go, and suddenly I panicked, wishing Mason hadn’t left me.

I sat at the computer furiously hacking into the agency system. If they had framed Mason, maybe this was it, maybe they were taking him out. Or maybe it had been the terrorist organization that had taken him. I couldn’t be sure.

I went straight into the main system. If the agency had taken Mason, I’d be able to find him on the security cameras, and I prayed it was the agency. Because if it wasn’t, I didn’t know how I was going to find him.

And I had to find him.


I hacked through the agency network, searching for any sign of Mason. Finally, I hacked into the security system and pulled up a live stream, as I frantically flicked through the video feed one after another.

And there he was.

I flicked back to the live feed of Mason strapped to a table, similar to the one I’d been strapped to months ago. He laid there with a bright light shining on him, not moving.

The hair on the back of my neck raised, wondering if someone had been tracking my work on Mason’s computer all morning. It would make sense, itwasa company computer, and if the traitor at the agency wanted to frame someone, they’d certainly keep tabs on that person to make sure they stayed in the dark, until the traitor was ready to drop the curtain and blame their fall guy, Mason.

My fingers froze over the keyboard, hesitant if I should even continue working on the company computer. Wondering if they knew I was here, too.

I studied the live feed for just a moment longer, waiting, watching for his chest to rise and fall. The feed wasn’t clear enough, I couldn’t tell if he was unconscious or… I couldn’t think the words. I wouldn’t, not until I knew for sure.

The thought made me sick.

Fear prickled over my skin.

What if they knew I was still here?

What if someone came back for me?

I had enough information to go off of. I needed to figure out how to get Mason out… if he was still alive. The thought made me sick.

And then I ran to the bathroom and was sick.

I tried to steady my breathing.

I stood up and steadied myself in the bathroom mirror. I dug around the drawers but didn’t find my toothbrush. I looked at Mason’s and decided otherwise. I squatted down and frantically dug under the sink, looking for mouthwash or a new toothbrush, hoping maybe Mason had an extra.

I found a drawer full of new toothbrushes, and as I went to stand up, I curiously opened the organizing drawer next to it. Tampons and pads, of course, he would have everything a woman would need here too. He was thoughtful like that.

I stood up and started to brush my teeth, and I slowly stopped, resting my toothbrush against the sink, as I looked at my reflection… When was the last time I used a tampon?

My eyes searched in the mirror. When was the last time I’d had a period?

My hand flew to my mouth, and I gasped in realization.

Oh, my God.


My horrified reflection stared back at me.

Not right now. Please God, not right now.

I’d been through hell and back the last few months, I was stressed. I hadn’t been paying attention to my period at all. It’d been the last thing on my mind.

Mason and I had been using protection, except for the incident in Iran. I wasn’t on birth control; I wasn’t sexually active, so I’d never seen the need. When Mason and I had started sleeping together regularly, he’d just automatically started using protection I hadn’t considered…

I whirled around to the towel closet and dug around. He had everything else in this damn safe house; I doubted he’d have what I was looking for… but maybe. I finally found a first aid kit, it was in a large black bag zippered bag. I blew out a breath, shaking my head as I dug through it. It was the most jam-packed first aid kit I’d ever seen, if you could even call it a first aid kit. It was more like an emergency crash cart. I set aside a defibrillator and a stethoscope and began frantically unzipping the many pouches. Some contained syringes and vial after vial of God knows what. I opened another zippered pouch and sure enough, pregnancy tests.
