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Strapped to a table, my pulse quickened when I realized where I was. I was at the agency, and this time I was on the other side of the one-way glass.

Not good.

Slowly, my eyes flicked to the room around me, and I steeled myself. I’d been in many rooms like this before. A variety of instruments were laid out on the table. A bright light shone in my eyes.

I stared up at the ceiling, recalling the last thing I remembered. The moment I’d pulled into the driveway, the bastards had blocked me in, and outnumbered, they’d sedated and bagged me immediately. I sucked a sharp breath in. They’d taken me back at the house, where Emma had been lounging inside in her underwear, completely unaware. Had they grabbed her too? How long had it been? Was she still at the house? Did she know I was missing?

I had to get the fuck out of here and find Emma before they did.

I yanked against the restraints in frustration, but I felt the residual effects of the sedative I’d been drugged with inviting me to slip back under. I fought the sleepiness with everything I had. It could have been hours, or days, I wasn’t entirely sure at this point. The room I was being detained in didn’t have a clock, or much to go off of.

It was a simple room, easy to clean and sterilize between interrogations if needed. Just white tile walls, with a row of stainless steel cabinets along one side, and the one-way glass along the other. In the corner of the room, a security camera blinked at me with an irritating little red light. A reminder that my every move was being watched.

I took a second glance at the little red light on the security camera.

Was that?

It blinked at odd intervals.

Almost as if...

Morse Code.

I concentrated on the small blinking red light.





I waited for the next set of letters.




I heard footsteps coming down the hall. I missed the next few letters.

Per Vik?

I racked my brain, playing a life or death game of scrabble in my mind.

I kept watching… my eyes felt blurry, bile coated the back of my throat, as the morse code raced the clock against the steps approaching closer and closer.

I missed the next letter as I strained my eyes blinking.

Come on. Focus.



The footsteps neared. I ignored it despite the thundering in my ears and focused on the blinking light.
