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I satoutside the agency in the Jeep and tried to steady my breathing through my tight chest. I eyed the door on the back side of the building that I had decided was my best chance at entry. So far, I hadn’t seen anyone guarding, entering, lingering. It had been so eerily quiet back here I wondered if I was walking straight into a trap. The only thing guarding the door was a security camera, with a red light, steadily blinking the morse code message I had set up on a loop. I hadn’t been able to isolate the light specifically in Mason’s cell, and I figured the more people that figured out who Viktor was, the better anyway. So my morse code message steadily blinked across all the security cameras in the facility.

I blew out a breath. I’d been watching the door for some time, and it was now or never. I looked over the utility belts and the weapons I’d strapped all over my body, as if it would help me. I’d hardly fired a gun except for the chaotic moment in the locker room. I shivered at the thought and pushed it out of my head. Though escaping that attack in the locker room had convinced me that I wasn’t totally inept, maybe this was a death sentence going in there; but maybe, just maybe, with a little luck, it might work.

The only thing standing between me and getting into the building was an electronic keypad into the back door. I decided on one last check of the security cameras inside, and then I’d do it.

I pulled the laptop into my lap and quickly pulled up the security camera feed inside. I sucked in a sharp breath, watching Viktor standing over Mason. I had to do something quickly. It was time to pull up my big girl pants and just do it.

I wondered if Mason had gotten my message, if he knew what Viktor was, who he was.

I toggled over to the next tab and studied the schematic of the building, willing myself to remember where Mason’s cell was.

My chest heaved as I checked all the weapons I had strapped to various places on my body one final time. I didn’t have the muscle memory like Mason did, but hopefully I’d reach for the right thing at the right time if it came to that. I didn’t know what the hell I was going to do when I got in there, but I was going to shoot down anyone and anything that tried to stop me.

I slid out of the Jeep and quickly sprinted over to the back door. I set my duffle bag down and quickly pulled out the defibrillator. My attempt to short circuit the electronic keypad, maybe slip inside unnoticed.

My hands trembled as I tried to stick the defibrillator pads onto the keypad, it was just far too heavy, the pads not sticky enough. They kept falling off over and over again.


Please work.

I sweet-talked the machine, but it continued to resist.

Finally, hands trembling, I chucked the defibrillator to the side, and I pulled a grenade.

Fucking hell.

I wasn’t even sure if I should be using this thing. I’d probably lose a hand in the process.

I was panicking. How long did I have after I released it? Should I set it next to the door and release it or should I throw it? Would it bounce away if I threw it?

I didn’t want to lose a hand, but it was the only explosive I had found in Mason’s stash, and I didn’t want to waste my one chance of actually getting inside.

Trembling, I swallowed hard, and I whispered to the grenade, asking it to please play nice, as I squeezed the lever down and pulled the pin.

I lowered my hand to the ground and positioned myself to run. I released the lever at the same time I started sprinting, and I’d gotten a few paces away before the force of the explosion knocked me face first onto the pavement.

My ears were ringing, and I rolled to look over my shoulder. The door was smoking, but it had a huge hole in it, big enough for me to get through, and hopefully Mason too.

I staggered up and took the gun from the holster on my hip. I fired a practice shot into the ground to get the feel of it and trotted to the door. I’d already announced my entrance, so I wasn’t concerned about being quiet anymore. What was one gun shot after the sound of that explosion? Waving the smoke to the side, I listened for a moment and didn’t hear anything.

I slipped inside and I’d made it a few steps down the hall before the alarm started blaring.


I staggered down the hallway in the direction I thought I was supposed to go. I turned to look down each hallway and everything looked the same, just long hallway after long hallway. There were no distinguishing marks.

I sprinted down one hallway, and the numbers on the doors went down.

Shit. I was going the wrong way. I whirled around and sprinted the other direction. I could hear heavy footsteps somewhere in one of the hallways.

Just get to Mason, I chanted it to myself, knowing if I could get to him, he’d be able to get us out of here.

I ducked as gunshots rang out in the air. I didn’t dare turn around and fire back. I just kept moving forward, quickly racing around the corner of the next hallway.

Room 155, I sprinted to the end of the hallway. Room 166.

Fuck. Where was it? I was too high.
