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“I could start now, I suppose.” He grinned with a wicked grin. “Though I know you won’t talk on your own, so I suppose we should just get straight to the fun part.”

Fucking hell.

I steeled myself. Knowing what was to come wasn’t going to be fun.

Viktor leaned over the table, looking at me with glimmering delight. He was so fucking thin and gangly, like a spider. I could snap him in half with my bare hands. It’d be easy. And that’s why he’d had me sedated and then restrained. He was wise to do that. He knew what I’d do to him if my hands were free. “You’re still so very sleepy, I see. I think I’ll wait to start until you’re completely awake, and then you can fully enjoy what I have in store for you.” He snickered.

I played into it, pretending that I was still out of it, still heavily under the effects of the sedation. And I was, but not nearly as much as he thought. My willpower was stronger than the lingering sedative in my system. This was going to buy me a little time, at least.

“See you soon Reynolds.” He left the room, and I let my head sink back onto the table.

My mind was running a thousand miles a minute. If I could just get these damn restraints off, it’d be game over.

But getting these off was going to be a bitch.

My eyes wandered around the room, wishing that the tray of sharp instruments was so much closer to me.

I thought of Emma, and what they’d do to her if they had grabbed her too. The thought reminded me I had no time to waste.

The last time Viktor had strapped her to one of these tables, it was just to scare her, to warn her of what he was capable of, but thankfully, they hadn’t actually tortured her. If Viktor got his hands on her now, knowing what she knew…

I had zero time to waste.

I yanked against the restraints.

Over my dead body was I going to let that fucking bastard lay a finger on her.

I heaved in a few breaths and then pulled hard on my left hand.

I kept pulling even as the pain began to radiate up into my arm.

I pushed through the pain, and I broke out in a cold sweat, biting my cheek until it bled.

My hand reached a threshold of pain, and I knew this was it.

I grunted and yanked hard as I felt something snap.

I nearly passed out from the pain, and I steadied myself, gasping for breath as I wretched my now broken hand through the restraint.

Pulsating throbbing pain radiated through me, making me nauseous.

I ignored it entirely.

I had to move quickly. If anyone was watching the cameras, they’d have seen me, and if I didn’t at least get my other hand out before they came back in, I was done. I’d have broken my hand for nothing.

I panted as I reached across my body and gingerly started pulling the straps loose on my right hand. I nearly couldn’t get it undone with the radiating pain shooting through me, my broken hand hardly able to grip the restraint firmly enough to pull it open.

Finally, sweating and cursing silently, my right hand was free. I swallowed hard and quickly loosened the restraints on my waist and ankles.

I stumbled off the table and tried to cradle my broken hand against me as best as I could.

Suddenly, I heard a dull boom somewhere far away, and then a security alarm was blaring. I jiggled the door handle. It was, of course, locked from the outside. I pressed myself against the wall and waited for someone to open the door and give me access to my escape.

Whoever walked through that door was about to take a very long nap.


