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“Such a silly girl.” He said spitefully.

My pulse quickened, and I swallowed hard as I watched as half a dozen red dots suddenly appeared on his chest. “I could say the same to you.” I nodded, and he followed my gaze to his chest.

He smirked, and I flinched as he steadied his stance; the look in his eye, his body language, despite the guns aimed at him, I knew I was about to get shot.


All at once, I heard a voice say, “Close your eyes.” And I did. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting to take the hit.

Two gunshots sliced through the air in unison.

One second passed, then two, then three, and I finally dared open my eyes.

Was I shot?

Was I hit?

The last time I’d been shot, I hadn’t felt it initially.

The air whooshed back into my lungs as I gasped, and when I opened my eyes fully, Viktor was on the ground in front of me, dead.

I stood staring at him in shock, the feeling of numbness spreading through me. It was done. Viktor was dead in front of my very eyes as proof. He wouldn’t be able to come after us anymore.

It was finished for good.

Relief flooded me.

“You did good.” Mason breathed into my hair as his warm embrace suddenly appeared around my body. He turned me away from Viktors’ body. “You did so good, baby.”

Agent Zuri came stalking up. “Didn’t trust my aim?” She smirked.

“No.” Mason ground out. “I didn’t.”

“I’ll take your bet on whose bullet hit him first.” She said smugly.

“It was mine,” Mason gritted possessively.

“We’ll see about that.” Agent Zuri wiggled her eyebrows at me.

Even though the plan had been to take him alive, I realized Agent Zuri had kept her word. Mason had only agreed to this if he was an additional sniper on the team. He’d broken protocol and shot Viktor to save me, and so had Agent Zuri. They’d both realized he was going to shoot me the moment I had as well.

“What now I asked?” Feeling dizzy with the relief that slowly washed over me.

“For now, you two are off the hook, but I’ll be in touch.” Agent Zuri nodded and went to speak with the rest of the team that now trickled down into the lot.

“Let’s go home.” Mason breathed into my hair before scooping me up in a bridal carry.

I smiled, leaning into his chest, feeling like everything might finally be ok. And then I remembered we still had to tell my dad about us.



“I should have known better.”My dad shook his head.

I took his hands across the table. “It’s ok, you didn’t know.” I reassured him. Now that I was no longer in a super secret black ops division, I could actually fill him in, and it felt like such a relief to explain why I’d been so distant the last few years. Because I’d had this huge secret that I couldn’t share with him. I, of course, had left out many of the more unsavory details of what I’d been through. I wanted to tell him, but I knew he’d be devastated if he knew the full extent of what I’d been through, and I had Mason, so I wasn’t totally alone anymore.

My dad and I sat in the middle of the Italian restaurant, waiting for our guest to come sit at the empty place setting on the table. He eyed the ring on my finger. “So, is this the big news?” He asked warily.
