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I bit my lip and shook my head. “Yes.” I couldn’t help the beaming smile that escaped my lips. “It is.”

“You’re so young, Em–” He started.

“I’m notthatyoung.” I countered, trying to choose my next words wisely. Of all the things he could have said… that was not an ideal comment, given what I was about to tell him.

I took his hands again. “Dad.” He gave me a look. “Dad.” I said more firmly. “This is the man I love, okay? I really, really love him. He’s– well, he’s everything to me. So I would really, really appreciate it if you were nice.”

He looked at me suspiciously. “What’s the matter? Is he a musician or something?” He rolled his eyes.

“No.” I said, annoyed.

“Well, does he at least have a job?”

“Yes, he has a job, and he’s very good at it, and it pays him very well. More than enough to take care of me.” I assured him.

“Good, because I will not settle for anything less for my only daughter.” My dad said firmly.

“He is…” I tried to be strategic with my next words, “Older.” I said simply.

My dad narrowed his eyes. “How much older, Em?”

I bit my lip and spat it out. “Seventeen years.”

“Jesus Christ.” My dad shook his head, getting upset. And oh boy, if he was upset now, he was going to be livid when he realized it was Mason.

“He’s a really good guy.” I said.

“Yeah, I bet he is.”

“Dad.” I said with as much attitude as I could muster, and his eyes finally softened.

“Alright fine, I’ll be nice.”

“Thank you.” I texted Mason, who’d been waiting in the car.

“He could at least show up on time.” My dad rolled his eyes.

Through gritted teeth I responded, “He’s here. He was just waiting for us to talk first.”

“Sure.” My dad said, skeptical.

Mason strode into the restaurant, looking tall and handsome in slacks and a crispy white button down that didn’t hide the curve of his lean muscles. I tried to steady the nervous flutter that erupted in my stomach at the sight of him. That was my man, my baby daddy, my fiancé, the love of my life.

My dad perked up at seeing Mason. “Mason!” He excitedly waved him over to the table. “What are you doing here?” My dad asked, elated to see his old buddy.

“What am I–” Mason shot me a look.

Oh shit. He doesn't get it.

My dad, thinking he was being devious, gave me a look. “Em here is engaged.” Before Mason could speak, my dad continued. “Why don’t you join us? I was just about to meet the dumb schmuck.”

“Well–” Mason started.

“Apparently he’s nearly my age.” My dad rolled his eyes and elbowed Mason.

Mason looked green. “You don’t say.”

“Have a seat, have a seat.” My dad pulled the chair out for him. “You don’t mind, Em, do you?” My dad was giddy with delight, thinking he had a wingman to intimidate my arriving betrothed, but he didn't understand that he was already looking right at him.
