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We all sat down, and my dad looked at me, “So where is he? Huh?” He responded a bit too smug.

I grabbed Mason's hand under the table and pulled it up, resting our hands in plain sight.

My dad looked between us, confused.

“Dad–” I started.

He connected the dots as he stared between us, and I felt a bolt of anxiety shoot through me as he lunged over the table, knocking the breadsticks off the table. “You bastard!” he shouted.

“Dad!” I screamed as he knocked Mason backwards in his chair. They both fell to the ground, with my dad on top, and Mason let it all happen. I knew my dad couldn’t have touched him unless Mason purposefully let him. My dad landed a solid punch to Mason’s face before he stumbled back furiously. My dad grabbed his jacket and stormed out of the restaurant.

I crouched down over Mason, whose nose was bleeding. “Oh, Mason. I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” I asked, frantically dabbing him with a napkin, pulling him up.

He grumbled, waving me away. “It’s alright, I deserved that.” He grunted as he sat up. He nodded to the door. “You should go talk to him. I’ll wait here.”

I looked around at the shocked eyes watching us. “Are you sure about that?”

He chuckled, “I think after that punch, I can handle a few looky-loos.”

I nodded and quickly raced after my dad. I found him sitting on the curb outside the restaurant with his head in his hands. As I approached, he looked up at me and shook his head, but said nothing as he stared blankly out into the parking lot.

“Listen, I’m just gonna lay it on you now. I’m pregnant, Mason’s the father.”

My dad’s eyes snapped up even more furious.

I continued with my hand up as if to stop him from going right back inside and continuing what he started. “I love him dad, he’s the father of my child, he’s my fiancé and he’s your best friend, which means not only do you like him, but you love him too.” I continued, “I get that this is hard to digest. I really do. But this is my decision, and if you can’t accept that, then you can’t be part of our relationship.” I chewed my lip. “And I really want you to be in my child's life.” I said, feeling my eyes get misty. “You’re going to be a grandpa, you know.”

His eyes got misty too, and he stood up and for a moment I thought he was going to go back inside, but he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.

He pulled me back and looked at me seriously. “Did he try anything when you were a kid?”

“No, of course not.” I shook my head, and he accepted that answer and he pulled me back in for a hug.

“I love him, dad.” I said into his chest.

“Okay.” He whispered into my hair. “Okay.”

He motioned for me to go back inside. “Alright, let’s not let this stop us from eating. I’m starving.”

“Good.” I patted his arm. “Me too.”

I couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of Mason when we came back in. His dark brown hair ruffled, the ripped napkin shoved up his nose, stopping the nose bleed.

My dad stopped in front of Mason before taking a seat. “If you hurt her, I’ll kill you.” My dad said simply.

Mason responded, “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

My dad shook his head, and then he stuck his hand out. “Welcome to the family, I guess.” And rolled his eyes.



“Thank you.”I smiled warmly as the woman finished the intricate swirling henna design on my hands. I admired the beautiful pattern that swept up to my forearms. In a mere few hours, I’d be bonded to Mason for the rest of my life. We’d be husband and wife.

And I smiled to myself, knowing my sixteen-year-old self would never have believed that my life turned out this way. That I’d find true love in Mason’s arms, that we’d be a few months away from having a baby together.

I was lucky. Even with everything I’d endured, I felt truly lucky.
