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It was such an intimate thing to inscribe for someone you’d known for mere days. Then again, buying someone a gift like this was intimate as well. I ran the bracelet between my fingers in my bag.

Racing down the sidewalk, I came to a stop in front of a pawnshop and stood outside the door, staring at my reflection.

If Damian thought he could try to control me, or own me, he had another thing coming.

As I stood there, I felt uneasy. I didn’t know how much I could get for this thing.

Should I sell it?

I pushed the question down as the blood thundered in my ears and I pushed the door open.

As I entered the pawnshop, the smell immediately made me feel weird.

I slid the bracelet across the counter. “How much can I get for this?”

The man eyed me for a moment before picking up the bracelet. He peered through his loupe, inspecting each diamond, and then the clasp.

“You have the key for this?”

I nodded, and held it up. The man reached for it.

“How much?” I prodded.

“Eh, it’s an average piece. I think I could do an even ten.” He looked at me, waiting for a response.

I was stunned. “Ten… as in ten thousand?”

I gripped the counter in front of me. I got the sense that he was lowballing me, but even if he was, that was enough to get me out of my debt and then some. I could put the rest in savings and use it towards reopening my business even sooner.

“Done.” I looked up at the man and he grinned a yellow, toothy smile.

“Great, if you want to have a seat right over there, I’ll get this processed.”

I sat in the chair across from the counter, and the adrenaline coursed through my veins. I wasn’t sure if I had done the right thing, but that was a lot of money, and it was going to help me out a ton, that was for sure.

I felt a twinge of guilt as the nice grandfatherly jeweler’s words echoed in my head. “Maybe soon.”

Damian may have meant those inscription words when he gave it to me, but things were different now. We both knew that. And we knew what we were doing then, too. He’s a businessman. He would understand, I tried to convince myself. This was a practical decision.

It’s weird that he put that on it, anyway.

Before I knew it, my purse was zipped full of cash, and I was back on the street, clutching it to my chest in an absolute daze. I wandered up the street and into the dry cleaners to get Damian’s suits.

As I was coming out of the dry cleaners, I heard a soft voice behind me.

“Hey Addison.”

I whirled around, my mouth falling open. It was Courtney.

“I don’t know what to say, other than I’m so sorry.” She pleaded as I turned around and walked the other way.

This is not fucking happening right now.

I felt like I was going to be sick. There was too much going on right now.

“How about don’t say anything, and just remember not to fuck other peoples husband’s next time.” I snapped, picking up my pace.

“Addison, I don’t know what happened. Please.”
