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I stare at my reflection in the illuminated mirror. I hardly recognize myself behind the heavy stage makeup and the blonde wig. This is it. I’m really here. I’m about to step out onto center stage of the Grand Theater and perform in my very first show. It’s not the lead role. I don’t care, though. I’ve never been so close to everything I want.

Everyone else has already left the communal dressing room. They’ll be waiting backstage. Opening the door to the corridor a crack, I spot William pacing. “Psst.”

He looks over immediately, wings lifting and tucking tight against his back again in agitation. I think he’s more nervous than I am.

“Come here!”

He strides to my door in two quick steps. “What is it? Is something wrong? Should I get Tara back again?”

I shake my head. “My makeup is fine. My costume is fine. Nothing’s wrong. I just need a little kiss for luck.”

Before he can reply, I wrap both my arms around one of his and tug him inside the dressing room, then close the door behind us. The slightly bemused look on his otherwise stoic features makes me smile every time I stretch up to kiss him. I love it so much I do it all the time. He always reacts the same way, as if he can’t believe I’d want to. As if he hasn’t realized by now how much I adore my big man mountain.

His kiss tonight is hesitant. After only a few moments, he pulls back, laying two gentle hands on my arms. “Don’t let me ruin your makeup.”

I laugh. “I think this stuff is going to need industrial strength cleaner to get it off. Don’t worry. Besides, I’m not feeling nearly lucky enough yet.” Ignoring his protests, I fling my arms around his neck so he’s forced to catch me up. Then I wrap my legs around his hips. That’s more like it.


He doesn’t resist for long, though, when I press my lips to his and slick my tongue against his. With a groan, he slides his hands to my ass and hungrily returns my kiss. Somehow, I end up with my ass on the counter in front of the mirror, his lean hips cradled against me and a growing bulge against my sex evidence his enthusiasm matches mine, despite his worries.

“If we’re quick we have time,” I murmur against his mouth when he lets me up for air.

He curses. “Christ, Jessie. I don’t think that’s a good idea. My knot—”

I roll my hips, loving the way his thick length grazes against my pussy. An answering sizzle of pleasure sparks low in my belly. “Mmm, I love your knot.”

His laughter is tortured. I press kisses all along his chiseled jaw when he tries to escape me. “You need to get out there. And so should I. I should be scanning for threats.”

“Pffft. What threats? Sethos is crazy. Who would burn down a theater? Honestly, people are way more relaxed about monsters these days. There’s nothing to worry about.”

Most of the cast are supes of one kind or another. Not that it bothers me. I love it. But I guess some human actors weren’t so keen. When Sethos announced the show, he didn’t get much interest outside the monster community. So we’re a mishmash of human and monster actors, professional and semi-professional. We’re good, though. Even if I say so myself. I just know this show is going to blow away the critics.

William places a final kiss on my forehead and carefully sets me on my feet. When I reach for him again, his hand on my shoulder is enough to prevent me. “I need to let this calm down.” He gestures at the enormous bulge beneath his loincloth, which of course draws my gaze.
