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My phone rings, releasing me from the hellish thoughts that plague my mind.

“Hey, Dad,” I say, holding my cell phone to my ear.

“How’s my girl feeling?”

His girl?I’m momentarily stunned. He hasn’t called me that since before my mom passed away. I don’t know how to respond.


“As well as can be expected, I guess.” I try my best to make my voice sound more like me, but I fail. I don’t sound like the confident person I’ve always thought I was. I sound sad and I’m not so sure that’s something I should be feeling.

Do I have that right?

He isn’t mine. At some point Gabriel was going to leave me. I know this. It was only a matter of time before they transferred him out of my care. Sure, he was mine to keep safe and I failed, but he isn’t my son. Yet, there is an ache in my chest I don’t understand.

And the otherthing? I didn’t know about him or her until it was gone. Who misses something they really never had, or didn’t know they had?

“I’m going to come see you today.”

His statement pulls me back to our conversation.

“You want to come here?” I ask, scooting up in bed, resting the top of my back and head against the headboard.

“Yes. Why is that so hard to believe?” His tone sounds a bit hurt.

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” I object.

Drago’s already in a bad mood and they don’t like each other as it is. My father showing up could add fuel to the fire, and that’s something I don’t need.

“I don’t give a shit,” he says in a matter of fact tone, making me scowl even if he can’t see me. “He’ll have to get over it. I’m laying eyes on my daughter today whether either one of you likes it or not.”

“Dad...” I start to reason, but he says nothing. There is complete silence, making me bring the phone away from the side of my face.

The call is no longer connected. He hung up on me. What the hell is his problem? Doesn’t he realize I have enough shit to deal with without adding him to the mix?

I blow out a breath of frustration.

Looking at the phone, I decide to call Mike again. I need an update. Fuck, I need an actual status to begin with before I can get an update.

I understand that getting involved with D on a personal level when he was my assignment was pushing boundaries I shouldn’t have been pushing. But from the moment we met, everything was different. He affected me like no other person ever has. I was instantly drawn to him. There was a spark, and no matter how hard I tried it was going to light. It’s like it was kindling before we ever met.

Even now, with the distance he’s placed between us, I feel it. It’s stronger the farther away he gets from me. But instead of it being a scorching feeling of excitement, it’s a stinging burn of pain.

The phone goes to voicemail after only two rings, telling me he declined my call.

Heat washes over my chest, pissing me off. What the fuck? Mike has never declined a call from me.

While I’m staring at my phone in disbelief, a text message comes through.


I told you when I knew something, I’d call you.


That was yesterday.

