Page 31 of Spark

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“Porchsa, I’m telling you she left me for dead. The police say they don’t know who called it in our where Gabriel is. I just called to warn you so you’ll be careful. Mercedes is out of control.” Lilith watches me closely as I talk to my baby sister.

Nothing I’ve said is untrue, but the context is being warped to this bitches objective.

I loved my husband. I tried so hard to be the woman he wanted, but he always came back here to her. I hate this bitch more than him because of her, our family is broken beyond repair. She thinks I don’t know she’s been fucking my husband for years.

She’s a fool.

I’ve been feeding videos I’ve taken of them together to Joaquin. He’s going to blow this place up from the inside, but I need to get my niece out of her first. Mercy is never going to forgive me for the piece I had to play in keeping Lucy from her. Getting her daughter back is the best I can do.

Keeping the fact that her husband isn’t who he says he is, she might kill me for. He sure will if I ever open my mouth. It’s the bargain we struck when I stumbled on the truth.

My silence for my sister’s and niece’s life.

“Lexy, she would never hurt us. Worry about yourself.” Porchsa hangs up on me, and I sigh.

“I’m going to go read Lucy a bedtime story.” Lilith waves me on as if I was a bother to her.

“When will Gabriel arrive?” I stop dead in my tracks and shrug.

“I’m not sure.” You’ll be waiting a long time to fuck my husband bitch.

“Very well.” Dismissed as if I wasn’t family but one of her many minions, I take the stairs slowly and go down the corridor to Lucy’s room.

The guard at her door frowns at me.

“You’re bleeding.” I glance down and a curse.

“Shit must have broken a stitch. I’ll go clean up. Lilith said I can read her a story.” He nods and watches me as I go into the guest room across from Lucy’s.

Someone grabs me from behind and covers my mouth, so I can’t scream.

“It’s me.” I clutch my side and exhale in relief for only a second.

“Joaquin, you can’t be here.” I hiss as I go to the bathroom to check my stitches.

“You need to get Lucy and head to the safe room. They’re coming.” I look up to answer him, but he’s already climbing out the window he came in.

“Shit,” I clean up and change my clothes while thinking of an escape plan.

I’m halfway through the book, and Lucy is just falling asleep when the commotion starts.

“Is that mommy auntie Lexy?” I frown and shake my head.

“No baby, it’s the bad men. We have to hide and be very quiet. Like we practiced, okay?” She grabs her blanket and stuffed lion.

“Quiet as a mouse.”



We meetHopper at an airfield a few miles away from the GPS coordinates to pick up Viper.

“Glitch filled me in, and I know of a safe house Moses has in this area. Figured I’d narrow down the search for you. I know what it’s like to protect your baby girl.” His words come out rough, but I know he’s trying to comfort Mercy.
