Page 37 of Spark

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“I go pee with mommy, and a snake bite me!” Her dramatic wail leaves our ears ringing.

“Look, it didn’t get your butt then, huh?” I don’t know how, but this doctor manages to make her giggle through her pain.

“You said butt. OUCH!” Her laughter dies when he squeezes the bite, and I growl at him.

“Easy, Daddy. Who extracted the venom?” Viper raises a hand.

“Good job. Well, Mom and Dad, we’re going to give her some pain relief and antivenom via IV. So, the nurse will be in to start that in a moment. Registration will also come by to get information from you. We’ll keep her a few hours to make sure she isn’t having any allergic reactions, but otherwise, she should be able to go home this afternoon.” Mercy sighs in relief, and I hold her to me.

“Thank you,” She says, pulling away to climb onto the bed with Lucy.

I wait until they’re settled, and Lucy has had her pain medications. She dozes off while the nurse is giving the others and talks softly to Mercy.

I pull Viper out of the room into the hall.

“Head back to the clubhouse and let them know what’s happened. Have the prospects drop off my truck so I can get us home later and, for fuck sake, put a charger in the truck.” He slaps my arm.

“Your girls are in great hands. Fatherhood seems to come naturally to you. Your parents will be proud.” I groan at the thought of my Ma and swallow hard.

“It’s Sunday, isn’t it?” Viper laughs at me without answering.




I fellasleep on the cot the nurse brought in for me, and Spark is snoring softly in a chair by the door when I woke. I look over at Lucy and see that the swelling in her leg has gone down and sigh.

Talk about a rocky first day as a parent.

I’ve had her in my custody for less than a day, and I manage to introduce her to violence, death and get her bitten by a fucking snake. Am I really cut out for this?

I sit up slowly and rub my temples.

“You ok, lass?” I glance at Spark as he cracks his neck.

“I’d kill for some coffee.” He grins.

“Dos café con leche, coming up.” He stands to the sounds of more popping from his body before slipping out the door.

A nurse walks in a few minutes later, and I take the opportunity to use the bathroom while she’s taking Lucy’s vitals.

When I come out, she’s welling her bed out of the room.

“Hey, where are you taking her?” I stop the bed, and the nurse frowns at me.

“Just down for x-rays. It’s standard procedure before discharge.” I nod and let go of the bed but bend to kiss Lucy’s temple.

“See you soon, sweet girl.” I watch while the bed goes down the hall and into an elevator.

I sit on the cot and think about what needs to be done once we leave.

“Knock knock, how is our little lady.” Dr. Espinosa frowns at the empty room.

“She just went down for x-rays.” I stand to thank him when Spark comes in with our coffees.

“I didn’t order any X-rays.” Dr. Espinosa opens the door and calls out for a nurse.
