Page 38 of Spark

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My palms start to sweat, and I reach for Spark.

“Nancy, who has room three?” The sound of the doctor’s voice has lost all friendliness.

“That’s me, Dr. Espinosa,” a young blonde girl who was not the one who took Lucy from the room answers.

“NO, the other nurse. The one who took my daughter from this room!” Panic fills my voice, and the nurse shakes her head in confusion.

“Call security. Code Purple!” Dr. Espinosa calls out, and Spark drops the coffee he’s been holding and pins the doctor to the wall.

“Where is my daughter?” He growls in his face.

“Let me go so I can help find her.” Security pours into the hall and starts trying to pull Spark off the doctor.

“Issac?” I whisper, and somehow he hears my distress and drops the man, turning to me.

“They took her.” I know it in my soul.

“Who lass?” I look into his eyes and see the moment he makes the connection.

“Lilith.” I nod.

Security puts us in a conference room, and Spark uses the phone to call Glitch.

“Looks like Lucy has insurance registered to The Bakers. As soon as the hospital ran it, Lilith got the information that she had been admitted. I’m trying to find them on the cameras, but there are a lot of feeds. I’m going to call Abel to help.” Spark curses.

“That crazy motherfucker,” He hisses but doesn’t argue.

I pull my legs up on the chair and hug my knees to my chest, rocking slowly. Why is life so fucking cruel? I just got her back!

“You on with him?” Wolf’s voice cuts into the conversation.

“Yea,” Spark says while he paces.

“We just got a note delivered at the front gate addressed to Mercy.” I lower my legs and sit up straight.

“What does it say?” I look at Spark as we wait.

“A life for a life. Which will die? Your sister or your daughter? Choose. You have until midnight.” I gasp and cover my mouth.

They have Porchsa!

“I can’t.” I start to hyperventilate.

“There’s an address. I’ll get surveillance going. Abel’s en route with your parents. Sarah’s already here and driving me crazy for information. What do you want me to tell her?” The name of another woman I’ve never heard breaks through to me, and I watch a look of alarm cross Spark’s face.

“Who the fuck is Sarah?” I’m on my feet and hitting his chest with my fists.

He grabs my wrists and sits me down on the conference room table, hard enough to rattle my teeth.

I’ve said a lot of dumb shit to this man and have never gotten such a strong response from him. For the first time, I wonder if I’ve gone too far. The look in his eyes scares me.

Guess I fucked up.



I knowshe’s frightened out of her mind and not thinking straight, but I’ll be damned if she tries to accuse me of any wrongdoing or disrespect to Sarah.
