Page 47 of Spark

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“As far as your father being alive, all I can say is that no DNA or remains were recovered from his accident. So it’s possible. Guess Lilith took that one to the grave. I’ll keep searching.” I nod as he closes the laptop.

“And Joaquin?” The rage I feel at just saying his name now makes me want to go out and find him myself.

“In the wind. I’ll keep an eye out for him.”



“Wow,that’s some seriously fucked up shit.” I take a drink of my mimosa.

Glitch just finished telling me all the shit that went down the last few days. I do not envy my brother or his position right now.

He has a little girl with a big price tag over her head to protect.

“Issac doing alright otherwise? I feel bad now that I know all the details of the way I acted with him.” I frown at myself.

“He’s in daddy nirvana.” I tilt my head at the way she said that.

“What is it, Lacey?” She drains her flute and then sighs.

“Makayla wants to have a baby.” I spit my drink across the table.

“Yeah, that was my reaction, too. And since she can’t carry it, she wants me to. I don’t know if we’re even ready to take that step, let alone become parents!” She refills our flutes as I stare at her.

“Do you want kids?” Glitch isn’t great with people in general.

“I like them when they aren’t my responsibility.” Fair.

“Is this an end-all for Makayla?” I push my plate to the edge of the table so the waiter can grab it.

“It might be. The fucked up part is I’m not sure if I’d be too upset if it ended, which is making me question the relationship altogether. Why would I bring a child into this world knowing that?” I nod.

“You have a point. You need to figure out what you want and not compromise. A kid is a lifelong commitment.” Glitch sighs, and I steal the check when it arrives.

“My treat.” I smile as I open the bill.

We leave the restaurant and hug goodbye in the parking lot. I notice a new duck on my Jeep when I get to it and pick it up, smiling. It’s a vampire duck dressed like Dracula. I climb in and start the vehicle, then place the duck on my dash with the others.

That’s when I noticed the note under my windshield wiper.

I pluck it and those it on the driver’s seat as I drive to the clinic. I’ve got some paperwork to do and a recovering K9 to check on.

I grab my purse and the note as I walk into the back entrance. I call Malachi as I approach the kennels.

“Officer Nassar,” I smile at Foxy when she hears his voice.

She barks as I open the cage to let her out.

“Foxy, how she doing, Doc?” I roll my eyes at him, trying to be professional.

“I thought we agreed you’d only call me that in bed?” He chokes, and I hear laughter in the background.

“You’re on speaker.” He hisses, and I giggle.

“Oops,” I give Foxy water and go to get her food ready.

“Can I spot by to see her?” I can’t resist teasing him.
