Page 50 of Spark

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“You did not just propose to that poor girl in my bathroom.” I frown.

“No, Ma,” She slams the platter down on the table, and it splatters everyone sitting at the table.

“Hush now, woman! I believe you were choking when I asked you. Isn’t that right, Aiden?” Oh, for fuck sake.

“Oh no, are you okay now, Grandma?” Lucy asks, concerned.

“Aye, but your grandpas may not live to see tomorrow.” She stands the roast, and I sit down to the laughter in the room.

“Welcome to the family,” I whisper in Mercy’s ear.

“Is it too late to say no?” She smiles at me.

“Fucking try.”


“Hey, asshole! I fucking see you.”I put my helmet on my Harley Street glide and rip my arms out of my leather jacket as I march my ass over to the mysterious biker that’s been following me around town for days.

I know my MC family has been worried about me since I got fired from my job, but they need to chill. If I blow up that motherfuckers car, it’ll never get back to the club.

“I’m talking to you, prospect. Take off your hamlet!’ I scream as I get closer, but before I can reach them, they take off.

“SHOCK!” I turn to stare at my President.

“Wolf, I swear to Christ, if you don’t call your pack of prospects off, I’ll castrate all of them.” He tilts his head at me as I pass him to enter the clubhouse.

“What the hell are you talking about, woman?” I grind my teeth.

So he’s going to try to play stupid.

“The prospect that has been following me for the last week. I am not a child, and I don’t need an escort. I promise not to land my ass in jail. Again.” I tack on the last part because I’m not unfamiliar with the inside of Reno jails.

Let’s say I was a troubled youth.

When you’re five foot nothing but trained as an amateur teen bodybuilder, the guys around you seem to think they can challenge you. I never did learn how to back down.

“Hannah, calm down. I’d like my husband to keep his balls.” Rebel rubs her pregnant belly as she watches Wolf and me.

“No one in the history of forever has ever calmed down after being told to. You’re luck, you’re pregnant, or you’d be catching this ass kicking too.” I point at her, but she just smiles and shakes her head at me.

“Shock, no one’s been following you on my order.” Wold slaps my shoulder and leaves me fuming, ready for a fight.

“You’re looking kind of crazed there, Shock. Need a punching bag?” My eyes glare at Menace.

“What the fuck are you doing here, rocker boy?” He inspects his fingernails and shrugs.

“I’m between performances and decide to stop in. Kaleb’s in the back if you need to work off some frustrations.” He grins at me as he says it.

Kaleb is a gym rat, but he can’t keep up with me.

“I don’t want to hurt your man. Where’s Spark?” I look around but don’t see his stock of red hair in the crowded room.

“Not around. He had important business to take care of.” Wolf says with a shit-eating grin on his face.

Rebel slaps his chest before turning to me and saying the magic words.

“Mayhem is still here.” I smile and sprint to the gym we have attached to the clubhouse.
