Page 51 of Spark

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I push the door open and see Maverick, my god-brother, spotting Kaleb.

“Drummer boy, I need to whoop my G-bro’s ass. You’re welcome to stay and watch.” I pull my jacket off from where it’s been hanging around my waist and toss it to the floor.

I rip my t-shirt over my head and step out of my boots.

“Shock?” Maverick approaches me cautiously like I’m a loaded gun.

“In the ring, Mayhem.” I pull my yoga pants off and grab a pair of gloves.

“Fuck,” He hangs his head but grabs gloves as well.

My smile grows as I watch him put a mouth guard in. I’ve broken his nose twice and kicked out a few teeth. Not that the man can’t fight he just won’t defend himself against me.

“Don’t you dare take it easy on me.” I point before putting a guard in my own mouth.

“YO! Shock and Mayhem are going into the ring!” Kaleb calls into the clubhouse as I climb into our boxing ring.

Mayhem groans as we touch our gloves.

“Oh, I need popcorn.” I glance at Maddox, my other god-brother, and then search for Mallory.

The triplets travel in a pack.

He must read my mind cause he shakes his head as he grabs the string for the bell.

“She’s in Nola, we’re leaving tonight. Assuming you can walk.” He taunts his brother, making me smile around the hard plastic in my mouth made to protect my pearly whites.

“Three rounds, no holds bar.” Maddox rings the bell, and I approach Mayhem.

Before the real fun can begin and, alarm blares.

“What the fuck?” I mumble as I take my mouthguard out.

Glitch runs into the gym and points at me.

“Get gone, now.” What?

Before I can ask why, Wolf grabs me and pulls me out of the ring. He pushes me out the back door.

“What is going on?” I hiss, and he covers my mouth.

I see the reflection of red and blue lights coming off the cars and bikes parked in our lot. He creeps to the corner of the building and takes a quick look around the corner.

“You have a warrant out for your arrest.” Okay, that doesn’t make any sense at all.

“Excuse me?” He grabs my hand and pulls me over to a shed we have with tools.

He opens the door and shoves me inside.

“Stay quiet, and don’t fucking move.” He closes me in and leaves me with a whole lot of questions.

I sit in the dark, hot shed for what seems like hours, and I’m about to lose my shit when Wolf finally opens the door.

“Coast is clear.” I stand and grab his cut, pulling him into my face.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?” I was already in a bad mood when I got here.

Now I’m fuming, and if I don’t get answers, I’m liable to kill someone.
