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“I assume there’s a first-aid kit around here?”

“Grandma always kept bandages in the medicine cabinet.”

She issued a soft laugh. “That dates them to the Kennedy administration.”

“Adhesive was stickier back then. I’m sure they’ll still be fine.” His tender smile caught her off guard with the peace and contentment in it.

“I’ll be right back.” She hurried to the bathroom and located some bandages that didn’t look that old. She carried a few back with a bottle of peroxide and a clean washcloth.

“The peroxide’s out of date, but does that really matter?”

“Not to me,” he responded.

“At least you have a project to work out some frustrations.”

“There’s the sunny, look-on-the-bright-side woman I know.”

Her lips tugged into a smile. “I hated feeling so out of sorts the past six weeks.”

She cradled his hand in the cloth and dumped peroxide over the wound. The blood was slowing and the wound wasn’t very deep. As she tended to his cut, she felt his gaze on her. Moving over her. Burningintoher.

She layered two bandages over the gash and looked up into his eyes.

His stare traveled across her face with that same emotion he’d shown her before.

“Why are you looking at me that way?” she whispered.

“I’m in awe of you. You’re such a survivor.”

Goose bumps skittered down her arms. “I didn’t tell you about my family to gain your sympathy or make you think differently about me.”

“I don’t. I mean, I do. But it’s not a bad thing. Not many people would end up stronger after something like that.”

She thought about Rain. While she never considered her baby sister broken, there had been plenty of times when Dove had to pick up the pieces. After so many years, they were in a much better place. At least they would be right after the Sentry team stopped whoever wanted them dead.

Lifting his other hand, he cupped her cheek. Warm, rough fingertips eased into the hair at her temple. “Let me take it from here, Dove. I’m asking you to let me do my job, to use the knowledge I’ve gained over years of training, and make sure you’re both safe.”

Her mind shot to that image of Dom’s boot on the screen and fear gripped her stomach again. That could have been her sister. Dove didn’t know how to protect her. Someone had gotten to her vehicle and planted a bomb, which proved they’d go to any lengths.

She dropped her gaze to his muscled chest. “You’re right. I’m just the assistant. I don’t know these things.”

He applied pressure to her face, drawing her stare back to his. “You’re notjustthe anything, baby, unless you count that you’re justmine.”

His words sent liquid heat through her body to pool in her core.

“I want to take care of you and your sister. Will you let me?”

She searched his eyes and saw that he was meeting her halfway, compromising. Wasn’t this what relationships were all about?

“You don’t need to do this alone anymore. Let me help you. Let me love you, Dove.” He lowered his lips to hers.

All tenderness fled in a spiral of need. She grabbed at him, hands scrabbling on his spine as he backed her up against the only section of wall he hadn’t destroyed yet. When he pinned her to it with his body, he growled, “Raise your hands over your head.”

The command sent darts of desire through her system. Her panties flooded, and her nipples peaked.

Slowly, she lifted her arms over her head. His hand came down over them, locking them to the wall as he plundered her mouth and tongue-fucked it in a mimicry of the way she needed his cock between her legs.

His other hand skated down her ribs, around to the flat of her stomach. He popped the button of her jeans and slid down the zipper.
