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A shiver rolled through her, and she wrapped her arms around her middle.

Lark smiled softly. “Aww. So it really was an office fling. Clay pegged it before Quaide ever joined Sentry.”

Dove gaped at her. “What do you mean?”

“Quaide joined us on an op, so he was staying here with us.”

Brighton spun Lark’s chair to face her. Then she applied a tight cap to her red curls before reaching for the wig.

Lark continued, “He was pretty broody. Stuck to himself. He wouldn’t joke around with Clay the way he normally did. Not that I’d know, but Clay’s known him for years. He thought Quaide had something going on at work. He wouldn’t talk about it, and they’d always been able to talk about work. That had Clay questioning whether or not he really had love trouble.”

Dove linked her fingers in her lap just to keep them from performing some nervous action that would surely tip the ladies off. But what was the point in denying it anymore? She loved the man. He loved her. Who knew how that would end?

Right now, the only clear path she could see was one to the Wynton Ranch to get Rain safe.

“She’s in love.” Rain’s whisper had Lark mouthing,Oh yeah.

“Stop it, you two. One Rain is enough to deal with!” Dove’s exclamation had them both laughing, and then Brighton joined in.

Dove stopped to watch her work the wig into place. As soon as it was positioned securely, she and Rain let out simultaneous gasps.

Lark stared at her reflection. “Wow. You’ve outdone yourself this time, Brighton.”

The artist grinned. “Wait until I cut your hair the same as Rain’s!”

Dove and Rain watched the entire process and when she was finished showing off her mad skills, Lark—on first, second and third glance—could easily pass for Rain.

Rain faced her doppelganger. “I can’t believe how well you pulled this off. It’s amazing.” She turned to Brighton. “Maybe when this is all over, you’ll let me watch you do more makeovers.”

“I’d love that.” The two women smiled at each other. Then she waved for Dove to take the seat. “You’re up next.”

She really didn’t want her hair cut. A trim was the most she allowed her own stylist to do every quarter. She kept her makeup to mascara and lipstick, but she had to admit that the full face of makeup really made her eyes pop and a swish of blush across her cheeks had her bone structure highlighted just like Rain’s.

When they got to the hair part, she squeezed her eyes shut and waited for it all to be over.

“Oh my god! She looks amazing!”

She started to open her eyes, and Brighton whipped the chair around, away from the mirror. “We’ll do a reveal when you’re finished. Just a few more minutes…”

Dove wasn’t a flighty person in any sense of the word, but she was about to bounce out of her seat. “It’s takingsolong.”

“Stop complaining, Dovey. You’re gonna be sooo surprised!” Rain responded.

Countless minutes passed where the hairbrush whizzed over the ends of her hair. It felt so short. She was going to hate this haircut, she just knew it.

But for Rain, she’d do anything.

“Okay, ready? Three, two…” Brighton spun the chair.

Dove gaped at her reflection in the mirror. Slowly, she lifted a hand to touch the much shorter ends of her hair. It hung in layers around her face and past her shoulders in soft waves.

“If I didn’t know this is me, I’d think I’m staring at Rain!”

Lark, Rain and Brighton all nodded and beamed.

“Let’s get together and take a selfie!” Rain burst out.

Lark and Dove gave her are-you-kidding stares.
