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She pulled at her bonds and tried to kick her feet. No use. They were strapped down too.

“Do you remember what happened to you? How we got here?” she whispered to Rain.

“Nothing. My brain’s blank. In fact, it’s still really foggy…”

“We were drugged!”

Now that her eyes were adjusting, she made out the fixed manner that her sister was staring at her in. Rain was still drugged. How was she so coherent?

The low voice of a man came in snippets. She directed all her energy to making out what the guy was saying.

“We didn’t know who was who! We had to take both.”

She stared at Rain, who stared back. “They’re talking about us,” she hissed at Rain.

Her sister didn’t respond, only lay there as if whatever drug was pumping through her system came in spurts that left her coherent for only short spells before she sank into a drugged haze again.

“Rain! Look at me, Rain.”

Her sister’s head lolled toward her once more.

“Don’t go to sleep. We don’t know what they gave you. Keep talking to me, please!”

“Okay, Dove.” Her sister’s words came a little thicker.

She battled against her bonds but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t free her hands enough to reach out to Rain.

For so little struggle, it left her exhausted. Her heart hammered from the constant drip of adrenaline in it.

“Rain! Look at me.”

Her sister did as she ordered.

“Dovey… What do you think is happening with Quaide and…”

“I think they’re having a meeting is what! I’m sure they’re making a plan right now.”

“A meeting? A plan? We’ll be dead by then.”

Anger stabbed her in angry spikes. “I don’t know what to tell you—it’s the rules.”

“Whose rules? Sentry’s?”

“No, Quaide’s.”

“So he won’t come and rescue us without making a plan first?” Her eyes slipped shut.

“Rain! Wake up!”

“I’m up. God, you’re so bossy, Dovey. You never used to be so bossy… Are you sure that Sentry won’t come for us now?”

“I’m sure. Quaide won’t make any moves without that plan.”

“It won’t matter. It’s Quaide. Going by the rule book was beaten into him in the Marine Corps and then the FBI.”

“Shh!” Rain lifted her head off the bed and turned it toward the open door.

Footsteps echoed across the room. In her drug-fogged brain, Dove found it difficult to make her eyes adjust to the movement.
