Page 24 of Screwed

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Thank god, Nick is quick to assess the situation and beats it.

Boris finally cracks a smile, and it’s the most wicked, haunting face I’ve ever seen. I’ll never forget it until the day I die.

I swallow hard. “I’m not giving you Presley. What will it take to call this off?”

“Mr. Guzinsky will be very disappointed.”

“Presley’s father scammed you. Not her. What will it take to make your boss whole again?”

Boris rubs his clean-shaven chin and assesses me. “That is not an amount you and your dimwitted brothers are prepared to pay.”

I’ve got only one option, as far as I can tell. Buck and Harley will just have to get over me dumping all that money into the pockets of a Russian oligarch. But we have nothing with which to fight this fight.

“Get your boss on the phone and let me handle it man to man.”



“Let’s go home.”

After the most frightening ten minutes of my life, it’s over just as quickly.

Without question, without even believing for a moment that I was conning him, Wade emptied his savings account, wired the money to Russia, and closed that account.

Boris called off his men, reportedly on standby on Buck and Grace’s street, watching their house. And then Boris left.

Before the thug could even reach his car, Ingalls house was surrounded by federal agents. Boris was taken away in handcuffs. Some kind-eyed lady with an FBI badge interviewed me and assured me that more agents had captured the men outside Grace’s house.

Beyond that, Lucy said the money would be returned to Wade, but it might take a while.

I cried over all the trouble I had caused good people in this town. I cried over the damage my parents had caused. I grieved for my lost childhood. And I grieved for everything Wade lost because of me.

After we spoke to the federal agents, Wade had me talk to Grace on the phone, who assured me she was okay. Of course, Buck was pacing the floor beside himself when he learned what had happened, but he wasn’t upset about the money. Not in the least.

“As long as she’s okay,” I heard him say over the FaceTime call with Grace.

Everyone in Fate is too, too good to me. Someday, I hope to believe I deserve it.

I dissociate myself as Wade drives me home to his house. I don’t protest as he carries me inside, cleans up my ruined eye makeup, hands me a bottle of water, and wraps me up in a blanket.

He holds me against him on his bed. I snuggle closer and closer.

Bless him; after all that, his cock is like granite, pressing into my backside through the blanket.

And honestly, I feel the need to relieve some tension.

“I need you, Wade,” I whisper, turning toward him to search him out. I need to feel his hands, his kiss, his everything.

“So, what’s the rules, then?”

When I arch my eyebrow, he reminds me of the rules I referred to earlier when we’d discussed having sex while my foot is still recovering.

I laugh. “Oh, that. I won’t move my leg. I’ll keep my foot elevated. And you can get some relief from those blue balls you’ve been walking around with for two days and hopefully murder my pussy in the process.”

Wade growls and kisses the tips of my fingers that reach out to stroke the scruff of his chin. “Why don’t I believe you?”

I lift one eyebrow at him. “Who knows? Maybe you have trust issues?”

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