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“There haven’t been any reports of shifters going missing lately,” Jesse added.

“That’s because all the people around here are too scared to shift. Especially since word about the battle between the hunters and Noah and the other shifters got out, people aren’t willing to take the chance. They have envisioned shifters peeking from behind every tree and bush,” Daniel said, bitterly.

“I hate that the shifters are so afraid,” Dillion said. “It’s the same fear that caused Greta and Frank to leave town.”

“Who could blame them? The hunters are not known for their ethics. If they thought that someone was a shifter, the hunters kill first and ask questions later. If they happen to get a mundane human, then they would simply cover it up,” Bernie said.

Dillon questioned Bernie and Daniel being a part of this group because they hated hunters to the point that they seemed to want an all-out war. The only thing that kept them in check was the dragon king and his orders that the only time that they could engage in violence was when they had to for self-defense.

Brent said, “It seems that the Faisons are taking a step back.”

“How so?” Dillon asked.

“Do you know the treks and camping trips that they offered, saying that they would take people out on expeditions to search for shifters?” Brent asked. “They aren’t doing that anymore. They are still taking people out for hiking and camping trips, but they aren’t billing it as a shifter hunt anymore. I overheard Raf saying that they were going to make that change effective immediately.”

“I wonder if they are just worried about lawsuits, and what would happen if one of their sightseers got hurt during one of these little excursions,” Jesse said.

“That’s possible. They might also just be trying to avoid antagonizing the shifters in the area even more,” Dillon said.

“I doubt that,” Daniel said. “They don’t seem to care who they antagonize, as long as they are raking in the dough and are hunting shifters.”

“I’m just glad that there hasn’t been any repercussions from the hunters’ deaths so far,” Jesse said.

“I think that they are looking to hire new hunters,” Brent said. “I overheard Raf and Xavier talking about it this morning. They are billing it as camping or hiking guides, but these guides have to have a very specific set of skills and no moral compass.”

“Unfortunately, there are hundreds of hunters out there who would love to work for the Faisons,” Dillon said.

“I wonder if they are getting paid a nice salary or if they just get a bounty?” Daniel asked bitterly.

“That is an interesting question,” Bernie said. “Them wanting to hire more hunters just means that while it is quiet right this minute, that could change at any time.”

“Of course,” Daniel said. “The war isn’t over – not by a longshot. There is just a lull in the action right now because the Faisons are down a couple of soldiers. However, once they decide that they have enough people, hunting season will open right back up. Right now, there is just a lull in the action.”

Dillon wished that he could disagree with Daniel and reassure everyone that the Faisons learned a lesson when they tried to take Noah down. However, there was no way that they were going to acknowledge the lesson learned and to live and let live. They would do everything they possibly could to destroy every single shifter, regardless of what it might cost them.

“All we can do is sit back and observe. The dragon king has given his orders that we are not to fight unless we are defending ourselves. We are not going to be like them and go out hunting peoplewe thinkare hunters. That makes us no better than them,” Dillon said. “We sit back and watch. If we are needed then we help. If we are attacked then we defend. Otherwise, we simply keep doing what we are doing.”

“We’re sitting ducks,” Daniel said. “Everyone is in danger from these hunters and the Faisons.”

“Just be careful,” Dillon said. “Keep your eyes and ears out for any important information.”

Brent, who had been absently shuffling the cards, said, “Who’s up for a few games? I don’t get out very often, and some poker sounds fun.”

Dillon didn’t play but acted as the dealer. His mind was spinning. He was worried that something was going to happen soon. He just didn’t know what it was.

The next morning, he decided that he needed some coffee. Clara was working the register. He loved how her smile actually reached her eyes.

“How are you settling in?” he asked.

“Terrific,” Clara replied. “Everyone is so nice here. I haven’t experienced a nasty customer yet.”

“Good, I’m glad,” Dillon said. “Ivy Springs is a very beautiful city.”

“Yes, it is. I have to pinch myself to make sure that I’m not dreaming, since I got the café and house for a price that I could afford.”

“Too much pinching yourself will leave a bruise,” he teased.

“I’ll have to remember that,” she said, smiling at him.
