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“Are you ready to go?” John asked Zeke.

Zeke looked down at the floor and didn’t say anything. Clara wanted so much to be able to tell Zeke that he didn’t have to go with his father.

“I asked you a question, boy. Are you ready to go?”

Zeke slowly nodded his head as he clutched Reno tight to his chest.

“The dog has to stay here. We won’t have time for him this weekend,” John said.

“But Reno and I are never apart,” Zeke said. “He has to come with me.”

“I said no,” John told him. “Give the dog to your mother and get your suitcase.”

“I don’t want to go,” Zeke said.

“You don’t have a choice,” John said. “Get your suitcase, now.”

“Mom,” Zeke cried.

Clara got down on her knees so that she could look Zeke in the eye.

“Honey, I know that you’ll miss Reno and that he will miss you, too. However, you have to spend some time with your father. I’m sure that you will have a lot of fun.”

“But, Mom,” Zeke protested.

“You have to go. Like I said, have fun with your father. Sunday will be here before you know it, and I’ll be picking you up. I’ll bring Reno with me.”

Zeke stared at her for a moment. The look on his face nearly broke her heart.

“Okay,” he said, resignedly.

“Are we done with the theatrics?” John asked, impatiently.

Clara handed John Zeke’s suitcase and hugged her son.

He hugged her back tightly and looked down at Reno.

“I’m sorry, Reno. You have to stay here with Mom. Be a very good boy and I’ll be back soon.”

Reno wagged his tail and kissed Zeke. He tried to follow Zeke out of the café, but Clara picked him up and cuddled him. Tears streamed down her face.

“What an asshole,” Jamie said. “You don’t think that he would hurt, Zeke, do you?”

“No. He wouldn’t physically hurt him. But if I had forced the issue and made him take the dog, there is no telling what he would have done to the puppy,” Clara said, petting Reno.

“I hate people like him,” Jamie said.

“I know. I feel terrible for making Zeke go with his father, but I have no choice,”

Jamie rubbed her back and said, “I know.”

Clara was depressed for the rest of the day. She and Reno went home that night and hung out on the couch binge watchingSupernatural.Clara could tell that Reno was just as sad as she was that Zeke wasn’t around.

Saturday was busy with a steady stream of customers. Occasionally, she would look up and stare at the nook where Zeke and Reno usually hung out. A burst of sadness exploded in her heart when she saw that that they weren’t there. Reno was hanging out at the house since Zeke wasn’t at the café to watch over him.

“It’s just for one more day,” she told herself.

“What are you doing tonight?” Jamie asked.
